This Year Is All About You Winning the Super Bowl, the Election, the Gold Medal & the Oscar For Best Everything

Image by: darwin Bell
By John Cace

You guys know what the best part about January is, particularly in 2016? All the constant predictions going on! Who’s going to win the Super Bowl? Who will win the presidential election? What amazing new tech will come out? What will be the biggest viral video of the year?

OK, that last one might not be on the same level…unless it’s really good!

There are just so many stories and so little time. That’s why I’m here fellas, to give you the most up to date guy news I can find so you’ll have your daily dose of smarts in a matter of minutes.

  • Like what you should probably not risk being seen wearing in 2016, unless you like being single
  • Then I’ll show you some new gear that you’ll definitely want to be seen wearing instead
  • I’ll also help you clean up some other aspects of your life that might need untangling
  • And in case you’re coming up on the big 3-0 (or you’re already there) here is what you need
  • We’re also going to talk about detoxifying in case the holidays are still lingering in your gut
  • And offer some quick tips to jump start a healthier year
  • Then I’m gonna round out today’s lesson with some unique ideas on love
If You Ever Hope to Eat Pizza With a Woman Like Danille Lo, Lighten Up Dracula

Ever year there are some truly awful trends that make men everywhere scratch their heads. Unless you’ve been rocking a man bun since 2003, then it ain’t no thing for you. But for most of us, they just don’t work.

So Joshwa Saint-James over at gave us Menswear Trends You Need to Ditch This Year as a way to remember and quickly forget the dreadful styles that took hold in 2015.

Once you see what is becoming meme fodder, take a look at what Saint-James had to say in the response: Resolve to Be a More Stylish Man in 2016 With These Tips.

And to compare head over to and see what the financial guys like Dennis Green have to say about their biggest men’s style predictions for 2016.

If you’re looking for a more practical guide then check out The Winter-Proof Wardrobe over at and build your own perfect ensemble. Or if you need to up your pizza game, then Pizza Hut has you covered as recently showcased the company’s new foray into delicious looking attire and gear.

After you pick up your new pepperoni scarf head over to Jamie Rae’s look into 16 Things Every Man Should Own by the Time He Turns 30. I’m on board with the power tools, iron skillet, and cook book, but I guess that shows you where my priorities lie.

Messiness Can Hold You Down Bro!

And if your life is in need of some organizing in more than one area, you might find some helpful tips in Aaron Peart’s piece: Declutter Your Life This Year in 8 Easy Steps. I know for sure my phone is a festering time bomb of information.

Speaking of things that need some cleansing, if you are still waiting to jump start all of those health related promises you might have haphazardly made on the 31st of December then this next part is for you.

Leona Henryson over at did a piece called 10 Powerful Foods To Naturally Detoxify Your Body After The Holidays and it has some seriously good advice. I swear by the lemon info and even like to mix them into bottles of water.

With a plan to detoxify and get back on speaking terms with your stomach, you also need to work things out with your body! You guys used to be old friends remember? The gym, basketball with the guys, sex! (I hope!)

Here is a great set of simple exercises put together that will help you start either a new routine or get back on track after the long holiday gorging. The important thing is that you at least do a little every day to get your muscles, joints, and bones acclimated to exercise again.

You Did It All For the…

Once you have mustered the required effort to get your clothes, life, and body in good working order, it’s time to think about your special lady friend dude.

Perhaps you’re on a current down swing and stuck on the past or whatever; check out the article One Major Reason Why Relationships Keep Failing at It will give you some insight as to what you might be doing wrong.

The more you explore all of these different aspects of your life and decide to actively change things, the less predictions you’ll have to make about it. Save those for the Oscars man!