The Split Second Difference: Here’s What You Need to Know About Time that Can Change Everything

Image by: Andi_Graf
By James Reubin

My girlfriend and I have a great relationship. After being together for 5 years, we can’t see ourselves being with other people. In our hearts, we believe that we are made for each other.

However, things are a little different whenever we have an argument. Since we both have a temper, we always choose to spend time away from each other until we both cool down.

The last argument we had, I took 2 weeks to contemplate and finally realized I was wrong. So I called to take her out for a nice make-up dinner.

On our way to the city, we got caught up in a heavy traffic. And because we were both hungry, we just decided to sing our hearts out in the car.

An entire hour has passed and finally we reached the cause of all the traffic. It was a big accident. A car hit a nearby pole and another car ran into it. By the looks of it, the driver of the first car wouldn’t survive the crash.

As we drove past, we were both shocked upon realizing that the car belonged to someone we knew. In the same exact moment, I received a call from my sister telling me that one of my cousins got into an accident and was declared dead on arrival.

I began to tremble uncontrollably. I tried to pull over while I ran over the broken pieces left on the highway. I just parked there all in shock while my girlfriend hugged me.

In an instant, our lives can change forever.

My cousin was supposed to get married and his fiancé was out shopping for her wedding dress when the accident happened.

I felt sorry too that I didn’t answer his call the day before he died. I didn’t even know why he called. But if only I had returned his call, I’d probably have had the chance to at least talk to him, hear his voice, say goodbye or perhaps, just perhaps, change the course of the story.

My cousin’s death made me realize 3 things:

• Every second counts.
• Running away from situations won’t solve any problems.
• Every second of every day is actually a second chance.

In “Marriage is Not About the Dance of Avoidance,” writer Adam Crawford shares his experiences while dealing with the loss of his daughter.

To deal with his depression, he thought it was right to just focus his energy on positive things such as writing articles, listening to podcasts and talking to people who were going through rough times themselves.

But after some time, he realized that wasn’t working.

Avoiding the problem is an endless and exhausting cycle. Deny its existence, fake it out, feel it again, push it away and it all comes back again and again.

After what happened to my cousin, my girlfriend and I decided to do things differently when we have issues. We promised each other that we would always try to fix things right away and never go to sleep without saying how much we love each other.

How you choose to use your time can make a big difference in your life.

When we lose time, we lose everything, that’s why we have to learn how to use it effectively.

Time has different value in every aspect of our lives.

In the business world, time is money.

It becomes tangible and measurable especially when it is used to assess one’s worth and ability. The more productive you are as an employee, the more valuable you are to the company.

To help you increase your work output, here is a very helpful article written by Lee BigginsHow to Make an Effective Pitch (In 30 Seconds).

Pitching happens all the time in our careers. We do it every time we try to sell ourselves during job interviews, suggest new ideas at work and present a proposal for a potential investment or opportunity. When you do it right, it will banish the feeling of nervousness and pressure and it will also help you achieve satisfying results.

When it comes to health, time means longer life.

To create a more fulfilling lifestyle, we have to invest time to condition our body and get into shape. Check out this workout plan that will help you gain 10 pounds of muscles in just 12 weeks. This plan is guaranteed to help you achieve maximum gains in a short amount of time.

In the world of fashion and style, time is influence.

And it is always changing, new replaces the old and sometimes the old blasts from the past and becomes new again.
So, don’t be a fashion victim by learning these “5 Style Trends Every Guy Should Know for 2016.” It contains tips and details on where the style game is headed this year.

It only takes a moment to break a marathon record, to brighten someone else’s day and to fall in love. One second matters, so we have to learn to use each one wisely and try to enjoy every amazing moment while we can.