Don’t Let Life Knock You Down, Learn to Prevent Chaos By Using the Power Already In Your Hands

Image by: ivanacoi
By James Reubin

Last night, my friends and I talked about hitting the beach next weekend. So Lester, our group’s master planner, started to divide up the tasks to everyone. Some of us were assigned food to bring for the barbecue, others were asked to buy snacks, disposable utensils, and per Lester’s special request, a first aid kit including headache and diarrhea medicine.

The guys all laughed when he asked for the kit because he seemed so paranoid, but we all believed that it made sense. To be honest, I don’t know what our group of friends would be like without Lester. We all admire his planning skills and his OC-ness when it comes to “preventive measures.”

Actually, it was because of him that I came up with this topic for my letter today. So, here’s a list of positive mindsets that will help you prepare better for life’s unplanned mishaps, and avoid as many bad things as you can from happening in your life.

“Everything is Difficult Before It is Easy”

The other night I was caught in a traffic jam and since I knew I couldn’t do anything about it, I just turned on my radio and enjoyed the music. Then I realized that the drivers of the car beside me and the one behind it were having an argument. So, I turned down the volume so I would know what was going on. From what I heard, the one guy got mad because the other didn’t want to give him a chance to pass. They didn’t stop trash talking each other until the police arrived and tried to fix things between them! I just laughed at them.

Staying calm and composed makes you a better person. A lot of complications and arguments can be avoided if people would stop easily getting irritated or annoyed by minor things. Picking your battles means avoiding unnecessary problems in your life.  Also, when you don’t have enough patience in life, you will lose out on many great opportunities like the chance to experience authentic love.

If you’re always giving up on your relationships too soon, without even giving them enough time to mature, if you always resort to saying goodbye just because you can’t tolerate a little inconvenience on your end, you will never know what love really is.

People say that you can’t just rush something that you want to last forever. So, if you don’t want your marriage to end up in divorce, be patient and wait out the tough periods for the reward of a brighter future.

“The Dream is Free. The Hustle is Sold Separately.”

Be a man of action and be willing to work your way to success. Knowing what you want to be and being willing to do whatever it takes to become what you want to be are two different things guys. You define your dreams to motivate you, challenge you, and inspire you, but it’s all up to you to take action and make them come true.

If you’re serious about your weight loss journey, do whatever it takes to achieve the shape that you want. Eat healthy, exercise and never get tired in finding ways to keep your metabolism running.

“Get Clear on What Matters By Getting Rid of Everything that Doesn’t”

When you embrace a life of simplicity, you will become happier, healthier and more at peace with yourself as well as with others. In order to do that, you must eliminate the unnecessary.

In the piece “Overwhelmed By Too Many Choices? Here’s How to Simplify” writer Marvin Dumont presents these 3 key considerations in cutting the clutter in your life:

• Decide what matters and what doesn’t
• Learn to organize and prioritize your tasks
• Be practical especially when it comes to financial matters

“The Best Way to Find a Helping Hand is At the End of Your Own Arm”

To be able to accomplish amazing things, you have to trust yourself and believe in your abilities. What you think about yourself is your primary driving force to achieve long lasting happiness and success.

So, watch your self-talk; and have the confidence to eradicate those self-doubts and negative voices in your head that are always telling you that you are not good enough. When you give up on yourself, you will never grow and you will never reach your maximum potential.

To empower yourself on your journey, check this out – “5 Questions That Could Change Your Life.”

Guys, it’s all about mind power.  If you think that you ’re better than all of your friends or if you believe that you’re good-looking, obviously it will show in your actions, how you interact with others and how you project yourself. It means that whatever you believe in and whatever thoughts you put in your head, become real.

If you can change your thoughts, you can change your reality and therefore, you can change your life. So, take advantage of this exceptional human ability, always choose to empower yourself and always choose to be happy.