Pin It To Win It: New Ways To Improve Your Marketing Using Pinterest In 2013

Image by: shardsofblue
By Tony Melino

Today is an exciting day in the world of marketing your business and promoting your business on Pinterest. I was going to write this article the other day but was confused on how to make this “new” instead of refreshing the same information you’ve already known or read about on other sites.

Well, just 2 days ago… Pinterest as launched it’s own analytics tool so your company or brand can be more profitable on the incredibly popular social media site. So let’s get into the benefits of using this analytics tool that they have rolled out on 3/13/13!

Pinterest Analytics

The latest Pinterest blog posts talk about how the analytics tool is going to work. In the article; it states that IF you have a verifiable website… you will receive information on how many people pinned from your website, how many other pinners have seen said pins, and how many people have visited your site because of Pinterest.

This is a really neat tool, gentlemen. This can be very lucrative for your comapany if you hire someone [or have someone on your team] that can really utilize this information. You really can’t get much better than this; this is a big market bringing over 10 million users every single month.

It may not be as big as Facebook or Twitter; but it’s still reaching potential clients and bringing them to your site. You can’t overlook analytics when it comes to your traffic flow.

Why do you think knowing how to do SEO and PPC campaigns effectively is a lucrative profession to get yourself into? Why do you think so many companies are trying to get you to outsource your internet marketing to their company? They know how important it is to stay ahead of the algorithms on Google and how important first page placement is.

Pinterest’s analytical tool is just another tool to use to get you ahead of the game.

2. Visual Graphics

When it comes to marketing your business on Pinterest; whether it’s an e-commerce site, a brick and mortar company, or even a 1 person get up… the most effective online tool you can utilize is starting a blog for your company.

You don’t realize how vital that step is. I’ve talked to numerous small mom and pop shops who have started blogging, which has made them relevant again. There are huge corporations out there that can do everything a small mom and pop shop can do and they can do it better. The key is to get more traffic to YOUR site.

When it comes to your blog posts; make sure that every single article or e-book has a graphic attached to it. That way, when you start marketing on Pinterest… you can just pin that graphic with the blog post in the description. People will repin the graphic which will lead more people to your site and ultimately more customers.

Most people are visual people. They love looking at amazing photos and cool graphics. Make sure you are able to create your own graphics, use interesting or motivational pictures, and keep your blog post URL in the description. You’ll find out just how effective blogging is to your company when you utilize all of these tools.

Appeal to your clients emotions!

This is just the name of the game now, gentlemen. It’s easier to stay ahead of the trends than to try to catch up once the trends have already been around for a while. The more you implement in your internet marketing – the better the payout will be.