If You’re Ready to Get Busy Living, Here’s 4 Things You Can Add to Your Playbook On Life

Image by: Unsplash
By Dave Andrews

Are you the type of person who doesn’t want to miss any opportunities that will lead you to achieving your goals? Are you willing to seize every chance that will help you create the kind of life that you want? If your answer is YES, then it’s about time to stop settling for the ordinary and start taking things to the next level.

Three years ago, on my 30th birthday, I woke up realizing that I was the only bachelor among my friends. I used to think that being single and available was something to brag about because I was the only man standing. And then it occurred to me that yes, I was the only one and – I was alone.

Suddenly, the clock started ticking right in front of my face.

It made me so worried to think that I haven’t really accomplished anything in life. Looking back at my second decade here on Earth, I have realized that I underwent a lot of transitions and transformations emotionally, intellectually and financially. Unfortunately, I wasn’t happy about it.

Many of the choices I’ve made were mostly wrong and it seemed that most of the things that happened to me were just products of trial and error. I was gambling with my future, there was not much certainty on my end and I had no clue where my life was headed.

I’ve been with the same company for almost three years and I haven’t even gotten a promotion because of my attendance issues. I’ve been on the dating scene but I wasn’t really looking for the one.

I thought it was about time to take my life seriously.

So I fixed my attendance problems and got promoted after 6 months. I also started looking for a serious relationship. At first, it wasn’t easy. I had to get out of my comfort zone and I had to let go of some habits that were not serving me. Eventually, what used to be an everyday battle just became normal to me. I became a stronger and a better version of myself.

Today, I wanted to share with you some of the interesting things I added on my playbook that elevated my life’s game plan. There’s no doubt that these things would also help improve yours.

Change your game by optimizing your belief system to start making things happen.

In the piece “Learning About Success in Business From a 14-Year-Old Entrepreneur,” writer Gene Hammett shares two fundamental things that are crucial to success – Confidence and Impact.

Guys, it is important to learn the basics of hard work and the value of results. Don’t just put yourself out there, instead, stand with confidence and know your value, even in the face of setbacks. Also, always deliver good quality in everything you do. Remember that your impact is more important than your income.

Fear may be the only thing you need to know to achieve the greatest potential in your relationship.

In the piece “The One Thing You Need to Know About a Partner,” writer Robert J. Maurer suggests that by learning how your partner responds to fear, you can actually predict if you’re going to be happy together.

Normally a relationship would start out as something fun and exciting. However, as your feelings grow deeper, you become scared at the thought of losing your partner. Fear for me is one of the purest forms of emotions. It makes us vulnerable but at the same time it teaches us to do whatever it takes to survive.

And I guess that’s all we really need to know to keep the fire burning in our relationships: how scared we are to lose our partner and how scared they are to lose us.

You may not be perfect but you can always modify yourself.

In an interview, 59-year-old creator of popular workout programs such as P90X and 22-Minute Hard Corps Tony Horton shares the importance of always having fun in everything you do.

When it comes to exercising and keeping fit, what works for other people may not work for you and vice versa. So, don’t judge yourself too soon when you see others looking so fit and fab.

For as long as you’re moving, you’re feeling better and you don’t have health issues, just continue on what you’re doing and rock on. No need to compare yourself with others and feel bad about yourself.

Make your social life easier by learning the art of vocational friendship.

Aside from keeping the important things front and center, you can properly set your expectations of people by focusing more on the quality you like best. In this way, you will avoid getting disappointed and feeling used by your friends.

To know more about this type of friendship, check this out – “How Not to Be Disappointed with Your Friends.”

Guys, when it comes to life strategies, there is no such thing as one size fits all. There is no generic game plan. But there is always an appropriate one for every goal, something that would work best to level up your game. I hope you choose the best for yourself.