You’ll Feel Like a Machine With All the Work You’re Going to Get Done

Image by: Steven Gerner
By Jack Day

Let’s face it guys, there’s no guide on to how to live your life.

You won’t ever come across a headline that reads, “The 10 Best Workouts For Johnny Spilladucci” or “7 Ways Steve Chapowitz Can Spice Things Up In the Bedroom.”

I apologize to Johnny and Steve, but the key here to remember is that when you do come across good info, you should use it to your advantage.

  • First learn: 7 Counter-Intuitive Insights On How To Get Things Done
  • Then follow that up with, A Powerful, Proven Way to Get What You Want
  • And if you, Have a Filthy Mouth, Good. Here’s How Swearing May Make You Smarter
  • Then meet two companies you need to know about and can learn valuable startup lessons from
  • See Why, Our Official Dietary Guidelines Are Useless
  • …and, Why This Exercise Scientist Wants You to Have 3 Shots Of Espresso Before Your Workout
  • The Shrednado Workout that is
  • Get some good ideas for your lady this V-Day, then ask yourself just how chivalrous you should be
  • And in case you’re single, see why These are the best times to find a date on Tinder and OkCupid
Who Gets Things Done? You Do!

The Phrase “Work smarter, not harder” refers to the need to make a productivity adjustment. In Martin Zwilling’s piece, 7 Counter-Intuitive Insights On How To Get Things Done he outlines exactly how to do that.

“For businesses that depend on people, high productivity can mean the difference between success and failure…and finding the approach that works…can be elusive.”

That’s why it might help to also check out, A Powerful, Proven Way to Get What You Want. Writer Michael J. Russer outlines a unique plan that includes forming a “Mastermind” to help bring your goals within reach.

“A mastermind is essentially a small group of people who meet regularly to help each other achieve their goals and dreams. As simple as this sounds don’t be tempted to think this is just a group of friends getting together to brainstorm ideas. It is far more structured and powerful than that.”

Not a bad idea to get the creative juices flowing.

And in case you think you need to pardon your French during one of those mastermind meetings, take a look at Have a Filthy Mouth? Good. Here’s How Swearing May Make You Smarter. Here are just a few highlights that writer Cindy Kuzma details:

  1. It can decrease pain
  2. It has bond building potential
  3. It might help you win an argument

2 Companies Making Waves You Can Ride

If you have never heard of Sprinklr or Rebtel, you’ll want to acquaint yourself with both my friend. As a sleeping giant, Sprinklr has done amazing things in the short time it’s been the social media marketing and advertising beast it now is.

In Alex Konrad’s article, Meet Sprinklr, The Billion-Dollar Startup That Cracked Social Advertising, you’ll learn why the company, “surpassed $100 million in annualized revenue last fall, up 150% from a year earlier, when it raised $46 million in venture funds at a valuation of $1.2 billion.”

Not bad for a company formed right smack in the middle of the recession.

As for Rebtel, an international calling app, it’s been a long time since I have seen an ad as refreshing as the one the put together in this clip and article, This Ad Calls Total B.S. on Preachy Millennial-Filled Montages.

“According to a Rebtel spokesperson, the brand was “frustrated from going to different agencies that all tried to sell them the same cookie cutter ‘inspirational youth’ video,” so it made the commercial in-house, with one fresh twist.”

You can learn a lot by taking an unconventional approach with your advertising.

3 Types Of Advice On Your Health

If you’ve ever felt like you get the same old advice about your health, then you’ll be glad to know these articles won’t do that. Trust me!

I don’t know about you, but with a name like Shrednado, it must blast some serious flab.

You Can’t Buy Love, I’ll Just Leave It At That

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you are better off knocking out the gifts and surprises earlier than later friend. Check out 16 Gifts Your Girl Actually Wants for Valentine’s Day and she’ll be very thankful that you did.

Unless of course you have been questioning the whole tradition of chivalry that exists between a man and a woman, then Should Men Be Chivalrous Anymore?, is for you.

Then there is the exciting news that, These are the best times to find a date on Tinder and OkCupid. Hopefully the research holds up for all you single guys out there. Either way, good luck to you all!

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!