You Can Master Viral Content Marketing

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By Tony Melino

Think about it fellas… your business starts off with very minimal traffic and you slowly start to build up your marketing. Eventually, you’ll start seeing a huge spike in traffic to your site as well as an intense amount of business to your company.

That’s the key to viral marketing. You have to use SEO (search engine optimization) to get yourself to the first page of the major search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo). Not only that; but your website has to be up to date. It can’t look like it’s from the 90’s or even the early 2000’s.

So let’s go through some tips to help you master your viral marketing content to boost your traffic and ultimately get your business on the first page of the major search engines.

Search Engine Optimization

Most people can’t keep up with the ever changing Google algorithms. That is why there are tons of SEO companies that businesses are using to gain their business more traffic. There are a lot of shady companies that will promise you overnight first page placement but the truth is that you’ll be banned from ever getting back to the first page.

Google will shut you down faster than you can gain some kind of traffic to your site that lasts longer than an hour. You’ll see an increase of traffic for a couple days until you are pushed back down to the last page.

It has to be an organic, natural process that could take anywhere from 2-6 months (sometimes longer depending upon the type of industry you are in) but you’ll be on the first page to stay that way. As long as you keep up with the times.

Pay Per Click

Another way to gain traffic to your site is with Google Adwords and using Pay Per Click. It’s more difficult to understand PPC but you’ll only get about 20% of your traffic through PPC. The organic side/SEO will drive you that other 80% of traffic that missed your site before.

Social Marketing Optimization

Another step in the process of mastering viral content marketing is to make sure every page/product is shareable. Make sure if a product is popular; there’s a way to share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

On top of that; make sure there are certain kick backs for people to share your products or services. If they share it on Twitter or Facebook; they could get a 5%-10% discount on their next purchase or their current purchase. It’s a way to maintain your customers satisfied and believing they got a deal on your services.

On top of all the shareables, make sure you are continuously updating your social media sites. If you continue to tweet or post a status; people believe you are a busier company. You are more reliable the busier you are. Go with it.

Coupons and YouTube

The last way to gain more traffic to your site is to make sure you have a coupon on the home page of your website. If you always have a set direction from home page to purchase page from the beginning – you’ll be able to keep your customers.

On top of the coupon, having a video on your home page will instantly give you a step above the other companies in your industry. People like to have options so if you have a video; you’ll have their attention.

The Google algorithms are always changing so make sure to study SEO if you truly want to master viral content marketing – and a little bit of luck has to be on your side as well.