With His Life Hanging In the Balance, This Pooch Got a Second Chance Thanks to These Young Heroes

By Jack Day

If you were a Boy Scout when you were younger, then you probably know how how to do some pretty cool survival stuff. I never was one myself, but I know from friends who were that it takes a pretty dedicated and honorable person to fill the role. Kind of like Cub Scout Pack 513 of Sugar Hill, GA who demonstrated their philosophy of helping those in need when they adopted Noah, a 1-year-old Beagle / Dachshund mix who was on the list to be euthanized due to an accident he was in that left his back legs paralyzed.

When a local rescue group posted the pooch’s story on Facebook, it caught the attention of Vandie Enloe, an animal lover who couldn’t keep Noah, but could foster the dog until someone permanent came along. She was not the only one who responded to the post as the scouts also wanted to do something to help.

So they got to work on making an apparatus for the paralyzed dog so he could once again run around like he is meant to. Watch the video to see the details on the touching gesture that Noah or the scouts will ever forget.

What did you think about the new set of legs? Have you ever helped an animal like this? Please tell us your stories and share this with your friends and family.