It Took 200 Years Of Waiting, But These Native Americans Are Finally Going “Home”

By Jack Day

Sometimes doing the right thing can take a long time. For the Kashia band of Pomo Indians living near the Sonoma coastline of northern California, it took almost 200 years of waiting before the right thing was done for them.

Originally the land was their home for generations and it is where they would hunt, fish, and hold sacred ceremonies. During the time of history that was not kind to them, the Pomo’s land was seized from them and like so many other tribes of the times they were relegated to a 40 acre reservation.

In 1925 a family bought the 700 acres of coastal property from the county and made it their farm, letting in nearby Kashia who wished to use the land for their gatherings.

Fast forward to 2015 and through the generosity of the current land owner, Bill Richardson, and the hard work of a coalition of foundations and groups in raising $6 million to purchase the 700 acre property, the Kashia will finally be able to call the land home once again.

Watch the video to see how important this deal has meant to the tribe and how the man who accepted the offer has changed their lives forever.

What do you think about the story of the Kashia? Do you think more landowners should take a page from Richardson’s book and follow suit? Please tell us your comments and share this great story with your family and friends.