Why You Should Eat A Gluten-Free Diet

Image by: InfoMofo
By Kurt Garrity

You’ve probably seen some granola-muncher blabbing on about the evils of gluten and how we need to remove it from our diets or we are doomed as a people. Well, maybe not necessarily doomed, but sickly, bloated, etc.

The picture she painted was not pretty, for sure.

Yes, that crystal-packing mama is onto something – gluten is not generally good for us. In fact, if you are experiencing any intestinal issues not easily claimed by a diagnosis, it is possible that gluten – or the body’s inability to break the stuff down – may be the culprit.

A whole host of symptoms can spring up including headaches, infections, diarrhea, and other fun stuff.

What Is It, Again?

Food products that are processed out of wheat, rye, barley or other related grains contain gluten, a “protein composite.” It’s name literally means glue, which makes sense when you learn that gluten is what allows dough to rise without falling.

It is also used as a protein additive and the base material for fake meat products. Yes, it is found in beer. And bread. You can see why this is a huge problem.

What’s The Problem, Exactly?

Many people suffer from the autoimmune disorder known as celiac disease, which damages the intestines and is caused by a body’s intolerance to gluten. Sufferers have long-complained that gluten is hidden inside many products and they don’t know before it is too late.

This has sparked a push to rid foods of gluten that it doesn’t belong, as well as a call for new labeling standards.

Where Do You Go From Here?

If you feel fine and none of the above-mentioned symptoms have followed you home, than you are probably OK with continuing choking down the stuff. But be forewarned: Gluten intake could and should be kept in check to eliminate any possibilities of a problem down the road.

Did one of the above-mentioned symptoms ring a bell? Get on this right away. If you have celiac and it goes untreated, it can get real serious real quick. How serious? Is cancer serious enough for you?

Work with a diet expert to craft a meal plan that avoids gluten altogether. It will be a lot of hard work as the stuff is everywhere, but you will feel a lot better.