4 Wardrobe Essentials That Should Be In Your Closet

Image by: Rubbermaid Products
By Phillip K. Issa

A man’s closet should be well-stocked with all of the clothing essentials, especially when living in or around a big city. When interesting weather or an unexpected invitation strikes, who has time to go shopping and get something fitted?

Take the time before opportunity (or disaster) strikes to prepare yourself for a variety of clothing-specific situations. Make a day of it.

Look, if millions of Americans can stockpile their pantries full of powdered milk, can goods, and a small arsenal of weapons and ammunition just in case there is a zombie apocalypse, you can make your way to Brooks Brothers to get yourself a damn jacket.

And then you can head out to get all of that zombie stuff.

The Blue Blazer

In some parts of the country, if you are dressed in anything less than a blue blazer, you are not invited to the gathering. So those who know, keep one packed at all times. You never know when (or with whom) you’ll be invited.

Here’s a great example: A friend was invited last minute to go to dinner in NYC and he didn’t have his blazer with him (as he usually does). Shockingly, he was ridiculed by one table guest – a major Hollywood star – who gave him non-stop grief for his jacket-less attire all night.

Let this be a lesson to you: Be prepared. Don’t let Hollywood win.

Dress Jeans

In modern fashion America, there is always an occasion to wear nice jeans. But you can’t  just stroll around in some run-of-the-mill Lees, despite what Brett Favre says. Drop some decent coin on a pair of high-fashion “jeans” which look pre-worn and faded, yet brand new at the same time.

The key is to keep a pair looking as brand new as long possible so as they retain their dressy status until you get too big (or too small) to wear them. Crisp in, crisp out.

The Light Jacket

Instead of going with a sweater or sweater vest, why not go with the light-as-air jacket or windbreaker when the temperature starts to drop or the wind starts to howl. These barely-there jackets are usually made of a very thin synthetic material that holds in your body warmth when the chill starts to bite.

Bottom line: Everybody should own a light jacket. Note: Light jackets are NOT substitutes for blue blazers or suit jackets. Nobody told my high school business teacher this and everyday it was short-sleeve shirt, tie and a Member’s Only jacket. He looked hideous.

The Tuxedo

Rentals are OK in some cases, but how often do you hear people griping about their tux on Monday after a wedding. It happens all of the time. Pants don’t fit, they lost my shirt, the jacket was damaged, etc.

Eliminate the guess work and hassle – buy yourself a classic black tux. When you own a tuxedo, it is a sign that you do important things more than once a year. Please be conservative in your selection.