When Life Knocks You Down, This Is How You Get Back Up & Reinvent Your Way to Making Your Dreams Come True

Image by: Ludovic Bertron
By Jack Day

Ahh…love is in the air fellas! Can you feel it? Well I guess it depends on whether or not you will be spending the night with that special lady of yours, if you have one of course. Maybe you could hit up smoking hot model Lindsey Pelas on Instagram and see if she’s available tonight.

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In the mood to slay … 🔪👄 @torreywest

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Or JoJo Babie


Look I’m just trying to help you guys out here. I’ll have a couple more gorgeous women for you in a minute, but first we have to go over some ideas that help you reinvent yourself and keep doing so to get where you want to be in life. Otherwise if you spend it just doing the same things over and over, wondering why you never achieved this or that, you’ll go crazy one day when you wake up and wonder where all the time went.

  • Reinventing yourself can be accomplished in tons of ways, but here’s a few that matter just a little more and stand out over the rest
  • See what even a giant like ATT is doing to put that sentiment into action when it comes to their employees
  • Get your love inspiration from a man who rode his bicycle from India to Sweden to be with the woman he loved
  • Then check out the workout of the week with fitness expert PJ Braun as he guides you through an awesome shoulder attack

Jordan Carver thinks it’s hot when guys learn new stuff…


So why should you care about reinventing yourself? “Jack, what’s the matter? I’m not good enough the way I am?” Of course you are! We are all pretty, little, unique snowflakes, but it’s not about that guys!

It’s about you fulfilling all those mental promises you made to yourself about getting to certain places in life. The more you put off taking chances and ignore what you need to do, the further away from your dreams you will get.

If life was an endless road trip, think of how boring it would be if you never stopped to get out and explore.

Writer John Rampton gives you 25 steps in order to help you reinvent yourself, but a few of them really stand out.

Like getting a mentor. If you want the best way to learn a new skill or break into a certain kind of business then this is it fellas. Aside from helping you add new skills, it might also help you decide if it’s even something you want to be doing in the first place.

You also have to stop holding yourself back and get rid of the THINGS that hold you back too. For starters, take every chance to do new things, go to new places, and do stuff you normally wouldn’t that is either geared toward your interests, or not at all. Sometimes being exposed to something you never thought you would like, can be just the eye opening experience you need.

Here’s Sophie Reade to help you that part…


And if you want evidence that reinventing yourself should be your main goal, check out this article by Biz Carson that discusses the recent news ATT released about the importance of keeping pace with technology.

Stating that if their employees do not actively take part in 5-10 hours a week of online learning, the company said they will eventually “become obsolete.” To help their employees with this ATT will reimburse up to $8,000 in tuition.

It’s a reality check that has to be realized by any man who wants to stay relevant in this ever changing world we live in.

And if you need a little story of inspiration to get you going on that reinvention plan, just take a look at Dr. Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia from India.

He met the woman he would later come to marry in college and when she moved back home to Sweden, Mahanandia knew he could not let her slip away. It’s truly an amazing story about a man whose perseverance sent him on the journey of his life to seize everything he wanted and the woman he loved more than life itself.

I know that if Hope Beel was the woman, I would swim through lava to get there…


She’s the kind of woman that inspires many, many, many things. Like getting your butt to the gym so you can look good for her.

Let muscle man and president of Blackstone Labs and Prime Nutrition PJ Braun narrate your way through a shoulder attack that gives you crazy strength in your upper body.

If you do it right, you’ll be done in 30 minutes each time and by the summer you’ll have those “boulder shoulders” that tend to have quite a nice effect on the ladies.

Lacy Banghard, yes that’s her name, really likes guys with ripped shoulders. So hit up the gym amigo!
