5 Key Elements that Will Help You Boost Your Business’s Productivity

Image by: Kevin Dooley By George Lamb Implementing different strategies to ensure your business and making the most out of it’s employees’ specialized skills is essential to the productivity of a workplace. You can have the best crew on the universe operating your company, but if they are unable to identify and resolve problems that…

4 Important Questions to Consider before Launching Your Company’s Website

Image by: Aesop By George Lamb The website is the foundation of your company. If your site is too complicated, impossible to navigate, and visually unappealing then you can bet that potential customers will flee from your web page faster than birds to the south just before the dead of winter. Not everybody in the world may be…

5 New Rules of Copywriting You Need to Know for Your Business

Image by: Adikos By Giovanni Fields Copywriting, for those who are unfamiliar with the term, is writing a copy for the purpose of advertising or marketing–which means the copy itself is meant to persuade someone to buy a product, or influence their beliefs. To avoid hindering your company’s marketing campaign, the copywriter should be professional enough…

Making Emails Count: 4 Ways to Get More Reads from Your Blasts

Image by: Matt Buchanon By George Lamb With the explosion of promotion through social media, plain old E-mail marketing may seem nearly obsolete in comparison. While on the surface things may seem this way to the untrained eye, the reality is Email marketing is still  very much a highly effective way to get your business out…