4 Important Questions to Consider before Launching Your Company’s Website

computer7Image by: Aesop
By George Lamb

The website is the foundation of your company. If your site is too complicated, impossible to navigate, and visually unappealing then you can bet that potential customers will flee from your web page faster than birds to the south just before the dead of winter. Not everybody in the world may be as tech savvy as they’d want to be, but that doesn’t change the fact that they live in the 21’st century–a time period where technology rules all and the internet is essentially our new way of life.

Your site, nowadays, is pretty much the face of your company, in the sense that it’s likely the first thing people see when they venture upon your brand–albeit your social media site. Making sure your website is flush, simple and undemanding will increase the likelihood for consumer purchases and will give you the comfort of knowing your product sells itself even when you’re not online. But before you consider making this site, ask yourself these 4 questions about the way your website functions before you decide to launch it.

 #1) Is it Easy to Navigate?

One of the most important things to keep in mind when making a website is the fact that the average browsers attention span is virtually non existent. If someone goes to your site and doesn’t immediately see a definable pathway for them to explore different information then they will probably be discouraged from proceeding with their browse. If someone makes the effort to come to your site, they will want to examine it in close detail to see what your product entails. And if they find it difficult or too complex to find this information, it may mean you will lose a potential sale.

A website doesn’t have to be too complicated, as even the most simple, primitive concept will prove to be extremely convenient for both you and the consumer that is interested in your product. The most essential thing to ensure is that your product is easily accessible–or in other words easy to purchase. You may have the greatest, most informative site in the world, but if a customer is unable to distinguish pathway to the checkout button, they may opt for a competitor instead.

#2) Is the Content Relevant?

The content you express on your website should exceed at explaining the perks and ins and outs of your product rather succinctly. That means every single piece of info should be clearly expressed and simplified to a degree that is informative and relevant to the topic. Having information that is useless, complicated and too wordy might deter the customer away from the details of the product. This can lead to the customer being too distracted by things that don’t necessarily promote your product and can have the effect of pushing them farther away rather than reeling them in for the sale.

#3) Is it Visually Appealing?

Having a creative, visually alluring site is indeed an important piece for further drawing in the customers attention and making them feel the need to navigate your site. But before you consider implementing a lurid backdrop, keep in mind that site that is too showy might negatively distract the customer from the sales pitch you struggled so hard to cultivate for your product.

Likewise a site that is too bland and tasteless might suggest your site is unprofessional and lacks the sophistication necessary to compete with those who do invest the appropriate time and energy into constructing an appealing site. The key is here to keep a perfect balance of simplicity and personality. Using only a few colors–rather than dozens–accompanied with bold fonts would be more than enough to appease the eyes of any prospect customers. Of course, though this all depends on what type of company you’re running. If your site is catering toward pre-teen girls than it goes without saying you might want to make a few exceptions.

#4) Are there Links to Your Social Media Sites?

Having clearly visible and accessible links to your social media sites will better your chances of getting a sale due to the fact that it increases the depth of your product and gives the consumers assurance that they will be able to be that much more interactive with you. If they just happen to stumble upon your site by word-of-mouth or a random ad that you created, they would be that much more likely to consider your product if they observe a large following.

Even if it isn’t that big, having clickable links on your site might prove to better your chances of increasing your social media following should your website fulfill it’s duty in intriguing the customer. The Social media sites you manage can almost be looked at as websites themselves, and if you somehow bring your viewers into contact with as many of your “websites” as possible, you will be maximizing your chances for both a sale and a new follower. Double whammy, baby!

Have you managed to build an amazing site that is serving as the pillar of your company’s success? Tell us everything we need to know about how you got to that point down in the comments section. We appreciate it!