How a Viking Scored a Touchdown Off the Field for 2 Little Girls

By Jack Day

If you have never heard of Christian Ponder, it’s time you meet him. He happens to be the quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings and an extremely generous guy. He recently ran into a grieving family while shopping at the mall with his own family. When he learned the two little girls, Brianna and Emily, had just lost their mother in a car accident it must have hit home.

After some pictures with the family, Ponder sneaked away to leave an open tab for the girls to go on a shopping spree at the store they were all in. While clothes could never replace their mom, it was a gesture made from a simple connection in hopes of putting at least one notch in the positive column of the families lives.

What do you have to say about Ponder’s gesture? Was it to get a little positive press, or simply an act of humanity from one person to others? I tend to think it was the latter myself. But this is about you and what you can get out of stories like this! So please share your thoughts and let us know if you want more stories like these!