Considering New B2B Strategies? 4 Key Players to Help Structure Your B2B Marketing Campaign

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Image by: Nimbuzz
By: George Lamb

B2B, short for business-to-business, in a nutshell, describes various commerce transactions between either a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer. Sounds fine and dandy, but how will this particular marketing strategy bring you customers? Well, B2B is mainly used in the context of communication and collaboration.

Nowadays a lot of companies are using social media to connect with their customers via the B2C (Business to consumer) strategy, but these businesses are also now using similar tools within the company so employees can connect with each other. And in order for this whole process to move along swimmingly many key factors need to come together in order to form a lucrative marketing campaign.

So grab a pen or a pencil and stay tuned for a few key components that will aid you in your mission for success.

#1) Marketing Automation Specialist

The Marketing Automation manager will be essential for your platform, as he or she will specialize in developing practices and training, and working along side your marketing managers to achieve full adoption by making sure that everyone is using market automation to its full potential. These types of managers are required to hold extensive knowledge of marketing automation so he or she could work to better demonstrate marketing’s contribution to pipeline and revenue.

When searching for the ideal candidate, positive indicators will be a solid background in lead generation programs, inbound marketing, email marketing best practice, and also experience improving marketing and sales alignments through accumulating business improvements.

#2) Content Manager

You might want to consider adding a content manager to your team not only for creating compelling content for marketing brands, but also because this person also specializes with design, lead generation, and product teams to accrue marketing content and collateral that drives the greatest results. His duties would be to create smart, interactive content that supports both tactical marketing sales initiatives.

When searching for the ideal candidate, its a given that he or she possess a few crucial qualities such as creativity, dedication, flexibility and punctuality. All these attributes would be necessary to ensure that they would be able to live up to any aggressive deadlines that may be scheduled. They should also be able to comprehend and execute both content marketing strategies and the use of analytics to measure and advance their production.

#3) Lead Nurture Manager

A lead nurture manager would also be play a key role in your company, as they would be the person who develops communications throughout the entire customer experience. Working with the content manager, the lead nurture manager will map the right content to a specified place in the purchasing cycle of your company. It goes without saying that this is a vital role, as–when executed to perfection–nurtured leads can bring in nearly a 20% increase and sales opportunities as opposed to non nurtured leads.

Because they will be working and communicating directly with the customers, people skills will obviously play a key role in determining who would be the best candidate for the job. They should also be able to understand your buyer and user personas, and should be proficient at planning workflows and executing jobs–along with the content manager–in a timely manner.

#4) Analytics Specialist

No team would be complete without a person who knows the right information to capture, report and analyze. The analyzer is also useful because he would be able to share knowledge and interpretations of marketing information that are useful to executives at any and all levels. Typically, the analyst and marketing automation would work closely together to do things like test different hypotheses and ensure the marketing automation systems are capturing meaningful information to use to the teams’ advantage.

A man named Brian Hansford who works at Heinz Marketing describes the analytics role this light: “The analyst knows the right information to capture, analyze and report. Also, the analyst can share insights and interpretations of marketing information that are meaningful to the executives at any level.

The analyst and marketing automation manager need to work closely together to review data sets, test hypotheses and ensure the marketing automation and CRM systems are capturing meaningful information for the CMO, CFO, and CEO.” Team work goes a long way, people!

Got any details about B2B marketing strategies that I may have missed? Well, don’t just sit there, take hold of you’re keyboard and bail me out! Tell us all about how you built a successful campaign.