Blogging Tips – 3 Power Tips For Extracting More Money Out of Your Blog!

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Image by: Sean MacEntee
By Fabian Tan

If you are looking for blogging tips, you’ve come to the right place. You will find here three power blogging tips that will ensure that the next blog you write is one that will draw readers like a bear to honey.

Tip #1: Be Funny

You don’t have to be an out and out comedian but people generally like people who can make them laugh. As such it will be in your blog’s best interest to incorporate a bit of humor, to ensure that people get more than just facts when they read your words. Just take care not to focus on the humor as the primary purpose of blogging is to convey information in an informal way.

Tip #2: Be Interesting

One of the easiest ways to keep people bound is by taking a bit of everyday information and presenting it in a new and unique way. You don’t have to be a professional journalist or even a good writer – all it takes is a bit of creativity and putting yourself in the shoes of your readers. Remember: when writing something, always ask yourself “How can I make this more enjoyable for my readers?” The answer is what those in the journalism industry call the “angle”.

Tip #3: Don’t get Personal – Be Informative

You already knew this one, right? In fact, just about anyone who blogs today will tell you that being informative is one of the most common blogging tips around. However it is also one of the least-used tips.

Many bloggers start out good when composing blogs, but then deviate from the topic they are writing about to relate something personal and, frankly, not very interesting to all. Ensure that your information is organized in a logical way and that, if you really feel the need to bring in a personal little factoid, it has some relevance to the topic.

(Ed. Note: With the right tools, an online business can quickly become very profitable. Discover 7 sure-fire methods of making up to $20,000 per month online in just 30 minutes a day with Fabian Tan’s Maximum Money Blueprints.)


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