Blogging Secrets – 3 Surefire Tips to Propel Your Blog to the Top of the Search Engines

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By Fabian Tan

Most blog writers and owners are looking for blogging secrets that reveal how to be ranked higher in search engines, and how they can garner more web traffic. The good news is that these blogging secrets are very easy to obtain and a few of them are featured below. Each of these tips has been used to the betterment and success of many blogs who jumped to the top of search engine results in their niche with a little tweaking.

Tip #1 – Check your blog’s coding! If you use a service such as WordPress or Blogger you should seek out every SEO plugin or widget that you can find and put it to use. The more Search Engine Optimized your blog is, the easier it will be to climb the search engine charts.

Tip #2 – Consider the name of your blog. You should have selected a domain that actually features your websites main keywords or niche. If not, you should invest in a new domain that does so. This will assist you in moving ahead in page rank.

Tip #3 – Check out the title of your blog page as it appears in browsers. Make sure that you add some taglines in that feature multiple keywords from your niche blog. This will once again assist with making your blog more search engine friendly.

These three blogging secrets in addition to the use of effective keyword rich content in your blog can assist in the increasing of your blogs page rank. This will result in more traffic for your website and ultimately in more revenue.

(Ed. Note: With the right tools, an online business can quickly become very profitable. Discover 7 sure-fire methods of making up to $20,000 per month online in just 30 minutes a day with Fabian Tan’s Maximum Money Blueprints.)

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