3 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Vine

Image by: Vine
By Gordon J. Pruitt

Yet another social media app smash is upon us, taking the interwebs by storm: Vine. Vine is a video sharing sensation that has one very unique and compelling limitation, and that limitation is six seconds. Yes, your video can only be up to six seconds long.

It is brought to you by Twitter, and works through their popular network. As of now it only works on Apple products (an Android version is in the works, we hear).

And just like Twitter’s 140-character limit spawned creative uses for that unique format of expression, Vine is catching fire and is poised to be the next big thing after Instagram.

Here’s are three ways your business can use Vine as a marketing tool:

1 – Turn A Photogenic Employee Into A Star

Got a goofy but loveable salesman with a performance personality or a buxom beauty who does some community theater hiding over in accounting? Put them in front of the camera, talking up individual products or services or just espousing the wonders of your business.

If they’re likeable and fun enough, you can build brand and item awareness for next to nothing. Of course turning an employee into a star comes with its own set of problems, so choose wisely.

Or maybe you step in front of the camera. Worse things have happened.

2 – Quick Customer Testimonials

Was valued customer Jim really happy with the selection, service and/or price he got at your establishment? Get Jim to say so on camera and spread the love across the Vine. Of course, capturing this type of testimonial will be more difficult if you are an online concern.

3 – Holiday Cards

Get all of your employees to participate in taking turns making holiday greetings, even for the semi-forgotten ones like Labor Day. Also, celebrate industry-specific “holidays” such as National Plastic Day or National Assemblyman’s Pride Week.