10 Kick Ass Ways to Improve Your House That you’ll Never Need (But Always Want!)

By Kenny G. Thompson

OK, so we’re not all rich. But for sake of this experiment, let’s say we are. So, how would you improve your house? No, I’m not talking about fixing the plumbing or making the foundation better. I’m talking about additions that are hugely unnecessary, but totally awesome! So, if you had the money, which ones would you choose?

We need more creeks!
a fucking creek

bathroom fireplace

Take a shower in the forest!

Maybe some storage for all those books you “read.”
Hidden storage

Lego walls!
Lego walls

How about a secret bookshelf?
Secret bookshelf

A theater for your pool.
Theater for pool

A treehouse! Well, this is more “house” than “tree.” Housetree!

Perhaps a waterslide from your bedroom to your pool?

Everyone needs a wine closet.
wine closet

The secret bookshelf was my favorite. What about you?