Yes, You Can Eat This Much-Loved Snack And Keep The Weight Off

Image by: swanksalot
By Craig Ballantyne

My clients often question me when I tell them they can eat more almonds and cashews. “Don’t you know that nuts are full of fat?” they ask. Well, I tell them, you can have your nuts and eat them too… even if you are trying to lose weight. In fact, nuts could be an important part of your fat-fighting strategy.

Researchers from Harvard completed an eight-year study on 51,188 women aged 20-45. After adjusting for lifestyle and dietary factors, they found that the women who rarely ate nuts were heavier than those who ate nuts twice per week.

Their conclusion: Though it may be counterintuitive, incorporating nuts into a diet may help with weight control.

When it comes to fat loss, eating the right foods, in the right amounts, at the right time will keep fat melting off your body. And don’t forget to train hard. You will lose fat all over your body, including the ‘stubborn’ area where more fat is stored, if you eat smart and train hard.

[Ed. Note: Eating the right foods is just one aspect of slimming down. To burn fat and build muscle, check out Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training Program.]