Working the Crowd: 4 Ways Influencers Help Build the Perfect Brand

Image by: Al Black
By Mike Ventura

“Once upon a time…” will always sell more than pie charts and spreadsheets.

Give a customer a taste of courage, paint the picture and take them to the places where your business is giving back. Written in the words of your mission statement are the ingredients of the perfect sales pitch.

Take the pictures that break the internet, and make sure every person in them is wearing, using and experiencing your product as the world watches.  Northing gets past the man on the street.

#1) The Online Market

Being seen online will get you everywhere fast, but you need people to help single your brand out from the rest of the internet garble.

Going viral is now a workplace priority, but making it happen can be challenging. That’s where influencers will help your business grow.

Influencers are the people, places and things that make other people want to wear, have and create the products you’re putting on the market. So, give them a reason to want it, and then give them a reason to share their experience.

When they do, they’ll head to social media. To cash in on these “influencers” make sure you give them the tools to share. Hashtag your brand, create a twitter handle and make sure your business is available on Instagram, Facebook and any other place that may be relevant to your product.

By giving people a way to connect, you’re creating a transparent business model that your customers will feel like they’ve helped create.

#2) Telling Your Story

Every good brand has a story. Why did you create the product? What was your mission, and really, who the heck are you?

The answer to these questions will sell your product faster than any TV commercial or well designed magazine article.

An entrepreneur who used this method with some of the most visible success is Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS. Blake used his mission statement to sell people on the idea of his simple footwear and every time someone asked about his shoes, he’d tell the story.

“A good story transcends boundaries, breaks barriers, and opens doors. It is a key not only to starting a business but also to clarifying your own personal identity and choices.”

Blake Mycoskie, Start Something That Matters

Blake found success in making sure his for-profit business also fulfilled a need, benefited others and in carrying out that charity, made his shoes more desirable.

“Conscious capitalism is about more than simply making money—although it’s about that too. It’s about creating a successful business that also connects supporters to something that matters to them and that has great impact in the world.”

Blake Mycoskie, Start Something That Matters

TOMS is now a brand found in nearly every department store in the United States and in retailers around the world, and for every pair of shoes purchased, another is given to a child in need. One for One, what’s more brilliant than that?

#3) Your Customers Do the Dirty Work

No matter what you produce, running a business is no easy task. It takes time, research and hours of attention to marketing.

Not so when influencers are successfully spreading the word.

By giving your biggest and most loyal fans the tools to brag about you, you’ve created a presence in the cyber world. People know and are now poised to regurgitate your mission statement, tell your story and point their friends in your direction.

They’re doing all of your dirty work.

#4) Finding A Place To Start

Ok, so you know what you need to get that word of mouth going, but everyone needs to start somewhere.

If you’ve got a friend or five, that’s the perfect place to begin. Use the people you know to start the trends. Get them to wear your product, talk about it online and if they’re doing something good, find a way to connect your product to the event.

Sponsor events that matter. Get involved in neighborhood runs, volunteer to make fliers and yes, even be ready to give away some of your merchandise. Find a way to give back and your generosity will pay off in dividends.

Building business doesn’t have to mean going into mass production. Get to know your consumers, keep listening and create a business that matters.

What are some of the brands you are loyal to? Think about the reasons why. Chances are the companies you love are interacting better than others. Have you implemented these ideas into your business model? Tell us about it