What Kind Of Online Business Can You Start?

Image by: Mrs. Gemstone
By Fabian Tan

It can be difficult to find the right legitimate online businesses to start with so much misinformation and lies being spread and peddled on the Internet. So how do you decide which online business to start? Well, you need to be diligent and do your research to ensure that you find the legitimate online businesses that can actually make you richer, not poorer. After all, when we learn driving, flying or any other skill, we need to spend time learning it first and practicing it, before we actually do the activity. Online business is no different.

So what kind of online business can you start? Here are 3 business models you can consider:

Model #1: Freelancing

Freelancing is the art of working for yourself and also for others. In freelancing, you provide a service to others that need it, while being able to choose who you work for and work with. If you can write, create graphics or coding skills, you can provide these services to companies and individuals who are looking for experts to do work for them. Even if you don’t have the skills mentioned, you can provide services such as managing social media accounts, posting links for companies to help them boost their search engine rankings, provide customer support and so on. There are many possibilities in this business model.

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Model #2: eBay

eBay is still one of the premier marketplaces for buying and selling physical products online. You can start off on eBay by selling stuff that are lying around in your house but still have some intrinsic value in them. Selling on the auction marketplace now may be even more profitable than ever, now that they have given sellers 50 free listings per month. Ignore the hype on Facebook and Twitter, when it comes to the crunch, and people are looking for products to buy, they still go to eBay, Amazon or the newest hip place to be – coupon sites. Facebook and Twitter can be used as part of a marketing campaign, but it is not the be all and end all.

Model #3: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably the easiest and quickest business to start online because all you have to do is promote your affiliate link, and when customers buy a product or fill in a form, you earn a commission. It is truly one of the best conceptions ever created for online entrepreneurs. Merchants love it because they only have to pay affiliates when they produce a sale or a lead, which means all their costs in this model creates a profit. While for affiliates, they don’t have to deal with the hassle of creating products, shipping and dealing with customers.

The 3 business models described are legitimate online businesses that you can begin today. Choose wisely, and if you need more information, then be sure to get the information you need before plunging in.

[Ed. Note: With the right tools, an online business can quickly become very profitable. Discover 7 sure-fire methods of making up to $20,000 per month online in just 30 minutes a day with Fabian Tan’s Maximum Money Blueprints.]