What CEOs Think Of Social Media

Image by: Steve Jurvetson
By Michael Sterling

There’s no arguing that the rise of social media not only required the need for better communication, but also has changed the way customer service is run. When E-Commerce flourished, the business world had to quickly catch up. One of the rules of business is to meet the customers where they’re at – and right now, they’re on the internet

With constant communication happening all over the world, it is foolish think that it won’t affect your business. There’s no longer a need to be a door-to-door salesman. By taking charge of your company’s social media accounts, you open your business up to much more client relationships. Is social media good or bad? Let’s ask the experts.

The Social Media Charm

Customers love to see a face to the company – it makes them feel at ease and allows the relationship to be much more personal. With this in mind, getting social media accounts and posting every couple of days just isn’t going to cut it. You must allow the charm of social media to manifest within your business strategy.

According to the 2013 CEO, Social Media and Leadership Survey by BRANDFog, 80.4% of respondents said that CEOs should engage with customers on social channels. What does that tell you? It says that customers want to know who they’re buying from. Don’t underestimate the power of great marketing.

Peter Cashmere, CEO of Mashable.com said in an interview with Success.com, “Looking at the number of Facebook shares and tweets and Google Plus shares is actually a better correlator of where something will end up in the rankings,” Cashmore says. “Google is starting to say, ‘If a human votes for something, that’s more valuable than an inbound link.’ ”

Brand Yourself WITH The Product

Americans love success stories, especially since most of us are trying to build our own success as well. By creating a trusting brand around yourself, it allows people to trust you. Today’s customers connect the most with brands that they admire and executives who are extremely involved with open dialogue about their company.

Here’s a Tip: Create a LinkedIn account, you will hit two birds with one stone – promoting your company as well as your “story.” Give the customers an opportunity to buy YOU as well as the product.

Deepak Chopra MD, Founder of the Chopra Foundation writes his own articles through his LinkedIn account. He’s not the only one, many other CEOs have started to do it as well since it shows customers that you are on their side. The best kind of image is one that is Pro-Customer. Advise them. Be their friend, and they will bring you business.

Keep The Customers Involved and Intrigued

Nothing will make customers feel more comfortable about using your service than keeping them involved. Social media allows you to keep the world up to date on the company’s day to day operations and future plans. Loyal customers care about this stuff – this is what brings them coming back to your product.

Treat each consumer as if they were a stock holder. Pretend that they have “some say” in decisions that you need to make with the company. Give the illusion that they have “power.”

Here’s an idea: People love to feel like what they are saying matters, especially customers – who for the most part feel like they can say anything since they’re safe in the confines of their own home. Give them an opportunity to speak up and offer suggestions. Encourage comments through your company’s pages.

One of Steve Jobs’ business strategies was “Don’t Talk About The Product.”  This goes hand in hand with keeping the customers intrigued. By getting them involved with your social media life, you don’t even need to mention the product. The product will speak for itself, rest assure. Sell your company, sell yourself and sell the image.