Unable to Speak Until He Was 3-Yeas-Old, This Teen Is Providing Care For Veterans With His Love For Chatting

By Jack Day

Autism comes in many forms. For Aidan Knaus it was an issue he dealt with at an early age as he couldn’t even speak until he was three-years-old. Suffering from memory lapses and attention deficit, Aidan was diagnosed with a high functioning form of autism. But watching the video above, you would never know.

Now 13, Aidan seems to have found an outlet for all of his energy, as well as his love for talking. As a volunteer at St. Cloud VA Medical Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota, Aidan now spends his free time helping the veterans at the facility. The work is very basic, but it’s the experience that is bringing out the best in both Aidan and the people he helps.

Watch the video to see how a boy whose mother once feared he might never talk, has overcome obstacles and earned a reputation as the most chatty person people know.

What do you think about Aidan’s story? Have you overcome a disability that you feared would hold you back? Please tell us your stories and share this awesome one with your friends and family!