This Officer Who Didn’t Want Recognition For His Act of Kindness Has Just Failed

By Jack Day

A simple gesture brought a lot of comfort recently to a group of 22 teens who had just lost their friend in a car accident. They gathered at a local restaurant in their home town of Rockland, Mass to remember their late friend, Patrick Sullivan. When they went to pay their bill they discovered that a local Sergent, Gregg Pigeon, had picked up the tab already. Except it wasn’t until later they found out it was him because he left no name and wanted no recognition for his act of kindness. Too late Sarge!

A sad story about a teen’s tragic death, with a little comfort at the end. What did you think of the officer’s gesture? It takes a lot to just shell out $400 randomly like he did, but it was probably the best $400 he will spend all year. Tell us your thoughts and share any experiences you have had in this area!