This Inspiring Police Captain Shows You the Meaning Of Dedication
By Jack Day

Captain Joe Barca of the New York Police department has been on the force for 45 years, and in that time has probably seen some of the most horrible stuff you can imagine. I mean c’mon we’re talking New York here. I was there once for literally like 6 hours and the best way I can describe my experience it that it felt like I was in every movie depicting New York I had ever seen. Luckily though there are a lot of good things that happen there as well. One of those good things being what the Captain did over 20 years ago when he was a Sergent. He saved a baby girl who stopped breathing and has kept in touch with her ever since. Recently the Cap got to be the guest of honor at the now 22 year old young woman’s wedding. Says Captain Barca, “This one ranks up on top, and I go out there for a reason, and the reason is to help people.” Thanks Joe!

What did you think of the Captain’s story? I always enjoy hearing about police who are great role models, just as human beings. Please share any awesome hero stories of your own no matter what went down!