This Homeless Man Just Got the Surprise Of His Life From a Caring Officer

By Jack Day

Samuel Meixueiro has fallen on hard times. He has no home, no family, and carries his belongings with him on his daily 6 hour walk to work from the church he sleeps at in Kansas City.

One day he stopped in a park to take a rest and some concerned citizens called the police on him because he looked suspicious. When officers arrived they found a man down on his luck and doing his best to keep surviving.

Officer Zach Stamper said, “He shook my hand, we had a chat like I was talking to a friend of mine.”

After the men concluded their meeting, Stamper couldn’t stop thinking about the grueling journey that Samuel had to make everyday. So he did something pretty awesome about it. Watch the video to see how an officers simple act of kindness touched a man to the core.

What do you think about Officer Stamper’s actions? Would you help someone out who you just met? Please tell us your thoughts and share this great story with your friends and family.