This Dad Just Made the Best Halloween Costume Ever For Him & His Baby Boy

Image by: Will Montague
By Jack Day

Halloween is less than a week away guys! So if you are the DIY type then maybe this new dad’s homemade mech-warrior costume might give you some inspiration if it hasn’t struck yet. Imgur user PutABowOnIt recently shared the creation and the smile on his son’s face is pretty much the same reaction I had. Here is a little photo tutorial of how the construction process went down.

PVC pipes are the cornerstone for any good mech-suit in my opinion.


Next you need a good a good solid material for the armor, like cardboard. Lots of cardboard.


Now it’s time to get some of the outer design elements in place. The more camo the better.


A little test run with dad, just to make sure the tears aren’t going to start in case the suit is too scary.


The pair are almost ready to blow some stuff up.


All that was missing was the helmet, made from some foam pieces and secured in place with Velcro. Genius.


Now it’s time to take out some bad guys. And get candy for a baby that dad gets to eat all of! Score!


See you next year! I vote for the headless horseman!


What did you think of this sweet costume? Have you ever gone all out for Halloween and made your own costume? What was your best idea ever for one? Please share your stories with us and make sure to share this one as well!