This Artist Used to be Troubled, but Now He’s Talented

By Richard K. Noots

Jamie Scanlon in the UK used to have a life devoted to drugs and alcohol. He was lost and circling down a bad drain. One day while in a museum he became inspired to change his ways. He quit everything that was a detriment to him and his body. Except, of course, his penchant for doing illegal activities. Now Jamie focuses that desire on his art that he places in public areas, for all to see. Some call him rebellious, others say he’s tedious. What do you think?

Now I understand!
bear arms

Creepin’ kitty-kat.
creeping kitty

What a dark night to be the Dark Knight.
dark night

Her sides are made of iron!
hersides aremadeofiron

Cruisin’ USA.

JPS Incarnate

Gettin’ b-u-f-F!
liftin weights

Trash … Can … Man?

Street art: Kick ass or vicious eyesore?