These Dioramas Will Blow Your Mind With How Real They Look

By Richard K. Noots

Satoshi Araki is a man who loves to make dioramas. He makes some of the most detailed dioramas I’ve ever seen, honestly. In fact, when I saw the first picture (The Batman one below), I only that the Batmobile was the model, and the rest was real. Turns out the whole thing was a tiny model! Maybe I just don’t have attention to detail, what do you think? Don’t they seem hyper-real to you as well?

He creates entire worlds.
entire worlds created

With such intricate detail.
he's a bum

They could fool almost anyone.
satoshi araki dioramas

It’s all about perspective.
z all about perspective

Life is brutal.
z life is brutal

So, Satoshi pulls no punches.
z likes things destroytedf gritty

Small, yet accurate.
z so small