The Offering May Not Have Been Much Money, But It Was Everything the Anonymous Donor Had
By Jack Day

To give is benevolent. To give everything is saintly. That’s what recently happened when an unidentified homeless person left an envelope containing 18 cents in the church collection plate at the First United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the envelope there was a note reading:

“Please dn’t [sic] be mad I don’t have much, I’m Homeless. God Bless”

When the staff at the church came across the envelope after mass they were overcome with emotion. Going to Facebook to share the story they made it known that this person gave everything they had that day.

This church is well known in the area for it’s charitable efforts with the homeless as well as having a solid track record for being inclusive. It’s a sad story that homelessness tells, but it is things like this that remind us all of the humanity that is still alive and struggling under the weight of poverty. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us.