Your Attitude Is Everything When It Comes to Achieving Your Greatest Potential In Life

Image by: Unsplash
By Anthony Juan

I think that one of the saddest words in this world is DIVORCE.  Aside from dealing with the pains of a broken heart and broken vows, it made me watch my dreams and future die right before my eyes. And the worst part is that while I did all that, I also had to wear a brave face while I worked on putting my shattered life back together.

I was in an interracial marriage for 5 years. If it was just me and wife, I didn’t think we’d end up being separated. But for some cultures, marriage is about union of two families.

So to make my wife happy, I agreed to live with my in-laws instead of having a place of our own. Though I know it would soon become a disaster, I allowed it to prove a point. I was hoping that perhaps in time, my wife would realize it’s better to start a life on our own.

Living in that condition it’s impossible to avoid other people from meddling in your personal business. I tried handling that kind of pressure every single day for 5 years until I reached the point that I just got so fed up and tired of taking other people’s crap. I love my wife but if I had to choose between letting her go and hurting her more, I would prefer the former.

When I left her, I had no idea where to start but I tried to remain positive that someday, in God’s own beautiful time, I’d be able to recover and move on. And thankfully, I did.

Here are some important reasons why you should keep a positive attitude in dealing with the highs and lows of your life.

It Improves Your Relationships

Your mind has the power to entertain a thought and make it permanent. When you think about something for a long time, it somehow becomes real. This ability, when used correctly, can bring a lot of good things in your life. However, when used wrongly, it can be very dangerous and harmful for you and for the other people around you.

In dating, for instance, after experiencing a couple of rejections, you can choose to think that all your potential partners will likely reject you over and over again or you can decide to have a positive mindset and move forward.

In the piece, “If You Get Mad at Girls Who Reject You, You’ll Never Be in a Relationship,” writer Reggie Wade explains the importance of being socially conscious especially when dating.

Knowing where you stand and taking time to understand the life situation of the woman you’re dating will help you:

• Handle rejection and avoid getting upset or disappointed
• Treat women better
• Get a better chance at finding the right love for you

Guys, I understand that it’s easier for you to be angry and generalize all the bad things that are happening to you, the consecutive rebuffs, the sufferings and the heartaches, but it would be wrong not to give yourself a chance to be happy and be loved. I strongly suggest that you invest time to do a careful analysis of every specific situation rather than making a sweeping assumption that all women don’t want to go out with you or you’re just bad luck in love.

It Helps You Achieve Better Health

Having a positive outlook in life allows you to have more energy and have a stronger mind and body. The less negativity you have in your life, the happier you become, the stronger your immune system gets and faster your body heals.

To help you live a stress-free lifestyle while keeping up a fast-paced life, check this out – “How to Squeeze in Meditation When You Have Absolutely No Time.”

It Motivates You to Become a Better Version of Yourself

Thinking positively in all kinds of situations pushes you forward to accomplish your goals, helps you overcome obstacles along the way and increases your motivation to succeed. It makes you have more faith in yourself that you can be wherever you want to be.

Writer Joseph Summers shares a very interesting piece titled “5 Ways to Rewire Your Brain to be More Positive.”

He shares positive habits that can keep you grateful, faithful, loving and trusting despite disappointments, hardships and failures. He also emphasizes the importance of time and willpower to help you catch and neutralize negative thoughts as they appear.

It Attracts Good Things in Your Life

Another reason to adopt a positive way of thinking is the effect it has on your over-all performance in life and how it attracts success.  When you have the right attitude, you won’t get easily distracted by negative things that are happening around you and that are hindering you from being the best that you can be.

To put it simply, it encourages you to master distraction and to stay focused on your goals, so that you can continue working with ease and accomplish your tasks on time.

Guys, the attitude you decide to adopt can either build your life or cause it to fall apart. I hope you always choose to respond positively in all circumstances to make things easier to just fall into place.