Learn How Meditation Can Add Value to Your Life, Elevate Your Bedroom Experience & Earn You More Business

Image by: janeb13
By Ronnie Toofan

Guys, how do you feel when things don’t go according to plan? When a situation becomes inconvenient, like dealing with family responsibilities, moving to a new apartment, splitting with a partner or managing work deadlines? I don’t know about you, but I used to get stressed out easily by that kind of stuff.

My heart beat faster, my blood pressure would go up and my stomach would get all knotted up. This, my friend, is how stress manifests itself physically. Nasty, huh?

The good news is, if we understand its very nature, then we can deal with it better. If not, then you elect to succumb to the things that only hold you back in life.

We all have our share of struggles, but through meditation you can learn to better handle all of life’s negative circumstances

I became interested in the power of mind over matter and its ability to control and change the thoughts in our heads when I was going through tough times myself. Just recently I read about a fascinating development in Biological Psychiatry from writer Gretchen Reynolds in her piece “How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body.”

It presents strong evidence on how inducing a certain level of consciousness can sharpen the brain’s performance and improve one’s health.

Mindfulness can make us better lovers.

Don’t forget your sex life is a part of your overall well-being too fellas. So when we are stressed, we feel disconnected with our partners as it zaps out our sexual desires. It also increases cortisol and adrenaline levels in our body resulting in decreased sexual performance.

In “Sex and Meditation are Perfect Bedfellows” by writer Cheryl Fraser, the secret for mindful sensuality includes achieving multiple and extended orgasms. And if you have wondered if men are capable of multiple orgasms like women….

…The answer is yes! Check out Sarah Buchanan’s “This is How Men Can Have Multiple Orgasms and Last Longer in Bed.” By following these simple sex tricks, be prepared to experience pleasure like never before.

For hundreds of years, deep contemplation has claimed many benefits including regulating the mood and improving physical responses to stress.

But of course, for some of us, it is not always easy to find openings in our busy schedule to actually do it. And just to sit quietly for 10-15 minutes can be an absolute torture. But after learning about Jon Krop’s experiences in a meditation retreat in Arizona desert, you should be able to loosen up, decompress and tackle your day in just 30 seconds.

This 30-second meditation technique is called “mindful pause.” It works by taking a deep breath; opening yourself to the sensations of your body and engaging in the present moment by letting your body breathe however it wants to.

So next time you feel overworked or over-stressed and your zen tranquility is being tested, try to stay centered and raise your consciousness level by doing this self-initiated treatment.

This method also proves effective when it comes to managing your business. Like when you want to promote your products and life’s distractions get in the way. Honestly, how often do you check your Instagram and Facebook newsfeed in a day? How many times do you find yourself watching a funny video on YouTube when you’re supposed to be working on your new marketing strategy? Guilty? I thought so.

With all these irresistible distractions before our eyes, it is not really easy to stay focused. That’s why one of the best people to learn about focus from is race car driver, Josh Cartu, who is also a successful entrepreneur and owner of media and software development firm.

In “3 Smart Online Marketing Lessons From a Racing Phenomenon,” he mentions the importance of engagement marketing and how it allows you to directly create connections with your customers and seek useful feedback for your brand.

When you stay focused on our target contacts, in their needs as well as their demands, then you can better serve them and gather more opportunities for your business.

Keep your mind clear and take time to thin; you’ll become more rational and make better choices to improve the quality of all areas of your life. So whenever you feel tensed, take a few deep breaths. In fact, do that every time you feel that you have too much on your plate. It helps.

To end this letter on a high note, I would like to leave you with “48 Ways to Transform Your Life.” This is one hell of a guide to upgrade your life from happiness teacher, writer and life coach Elyse Santili.