If You Want to Move Mountains, You Have to Create Balance

Image by: madhan r
By John Cace

Your money, your happiness, and your sense of self are all tied into each other. It’s a delicate balance, but as a man it’s your job to constantly weigh everything out and keep it all from falling apart.

The best way to do that is to stay informed my friends. That’s where I come in.

  • Check out why pairing your business with a university might be an awesome idea
  • Hear from our old friend Tucker Max on how he made 600K in 6 months
  • Learn 5 awesome ways to dramatically explode your income
  • Find out why everything we have been told about happiness is flawed
  • Dig into your consciousness and learn how to control more than you “thought”
  • And find out the 10 best ways to increase your dopamine levels without medication
  • Then we’ll talk women, dating sites, and how to spice up your relationship when living together
  • Finally, the men’s suit will be debunked and you will look better than ever
Re Connect With Your School Spirit

It doesn’t matter if you are still at the kitchen table with your business idea or you grossed over $10 Million last year, it’s a good idea to think about partnering with someone.

That’s why 5 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Partner With a University is worth checking out. Aside from having a “network of heavy-hitting advisers” and “pools of investors,” writer Tim Linnet explains,

“collegiate programs can add value to your company and personal life long after you’ve graduated. And, with just a little bit of intention and effort on your part, that value can extend far beyond the perks your alumni association offers.”

If you’re looking for a slightly different route, then perhaps How Storytelling Bad Boy Tucker Max Grossed $600K in Just 6 Months is more your style. Love him or hate him, the man built himself a nice little fortune off of self-branding that you can learn from.

Money, the Mind, & the Search For Happiness

Writer Daniel Ally believes he can help with that first part up there in his article 5 Ways to Dramatically Explode Your Income. Some of the highlights include:

  • Giving Voluntarily
  • Acting Your “Wage”
  • And Never Settling

But as we all know money does not guarantee happiness. Does anything really? Of course it does!

That’s Why Everything We’ve Been Told About Happiness Is Flawed explores other ways to bring meaning into your life. Writer Stephanie Vozza explains the concept with the help of author Colin Beavan,

“To redefine happiness, you have to explore who you really are. “Too many of us get caught up in the 10,000 ad messages that bombard us every day, and we start wanting things we don’t need,” says Beavan. “Things are at the surface of who we are; deeper inside, you find passions. Ask yourself, ‘What do I care about?’”

And when you do that, you begin to engage in “factors associated with consciousness.

What are those? The article, Factors Associated With Consciousness Can Influence Our Autonomic Nervous System details them as:

  • Observation
  • Measurements
  • Human Intention
  • Perception
  • And Our Waking Thoughts

Through methods discussed in the piece by Arjun Walia, it may be possible for you to tap into functions of the body and actually have more control over them. The benefits can be life changing guys.

Which is why you might also be interested in 10 Ways You Can Increase Dopamine Levels In The Brain Without Medication. It ties into that whole happiness thing quite nicely.

Let’s Talk Females

We all have our opinions on women, but sometimes we can be blind to certain warning signs that cause those opinions to be flawed. That’s why I encourage you to check out The Women You Should Avoid On Facebook in case your potential crush is not quite what you were expecting.

Instead maybe having a look at Ian Lang’s Top 10: Hookup Websites would steer you in the right direction. Just make sure to pair that with his ‘Dating Hacks’ App Automates Messaging Process and you will be set.

For those of you already past the dating portion of your relationship get some advice from the Top 10 Romantic Things To Do When Living Together. Get ready to step up your note writing game gents.

Stay Classy

Let’s face it guys, unless you’re Johnny Wall Street you probably don’t throw on a suit everyday, right? So for those of us that need some help I bring you Your Guide To Men’s Suits the Basics. After you reacquaint yourself with style, it might help if you knew How To Buy A Suit.

And to really max out your style, you might want to consider this awesome tech vest that engadget.com is giving away. Good luck amigo, and remember to keep that balance in every part of your life!