How To Promote Your Business Using Twitter Ads

Image by: eldh
By Tony Melino

Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms, especially when it comes to building your business. So many companies are interacting with their clients via Twitter on a daily basis and clients are more satisfied with this easy to contact on social media trend.

Well; if you haven’t gotten on the Twitter wave yet, it’s time to grab your board and enjoy the cruise. After Facebook promoted statuses were successful – Twitter jumped on the bandwagon. How are companies utilizing this service? Let’s take a look.

Benefits To Using Twitter Promoted Ads

The main benefit about using the Twitter promoted ads is that you’ll be targeting a large audience. A ton of people that are interested in your company are on Twitter and they are on social media. Being a promoted ad will make sure that all of your followers will see your tweet as well as your target market.

The way your target market will see your tweet is because Twitter will promote your tweet/ad by also allowing specific keywords to see the tweet as well.

Another benefit to using promoted ads on Twitter is to boost traffic during certain promotions. If you have a holiday promotion or a new product launch; using promoted tweets is a good way to expand your customer base.

The last benefit to using Twitter’s promoted ad service is that you aren’t just promoting it for your followers to see you. Like I said above, Twitter will expand your tweet to people using the keywords. With Facebook promoted ads; you will only be promoting it to your followers.

The price for promoted ads is that it works with any budget. Twitter will set a pay per click or pay per retweet cost. So you’ll get more bang for your buck.

Promoted Trends

Another way to promote your company is to promote your company via hashtags. When you promote your hashtag – you’ll be on top of the “trends” list where all of the trending hashtags are located. Not only will people be using your hashtag; they will also see your promoted tweets and end up looking into your company.

Last time I looked into promoted trends; the price is around $200,000 for a 24 hour period. It’s on a first come, first serve basis so don’t expect to be there over night.

Isn’t Facebook Promoted Posts A Better Investment?

The difference between Twitter and Facebook is that Twitter didn’t change up their system to only show 5%-10% of your followers your posts. Facebook has only allowed a small percentage of your friend’s list/fan’s list to see your posts.

Even your own friend’s have to look on your page to solely see all of your posts. They won’t be notified that you posted something unless you promote the post. Then; you’ll be opening your audience up to around 50% of your list over a few days.

Twitter will boost your audience beyond your followers – which is why I believe Twitter is the better investment over Facebook.

Facebook will definitely cost more with the sponsored posts, you won’t reach a large target audience that you desire, and basically… it’s easier to retweet posts than it is to re-share a post on Facebook.

The larger your audience; the larger your customer base can grow. Don’t look past Twitter because Facebook is more popular; your next customer could be the last person you expect. It’s all about keeping it relevant on social media and marketing your services.