Healthy Living For Students

Image by: Editor B
By Yuri Elkaim

Healthy living for students can be challenging. Money and time are often tight, and long hours spent studying can leave you mindlessly reaching for fatty and sugary snacks for energy.

The typical student lifestyle is often heavy on alcohol, take-outs and partying. All of this can lead to many people gaining significant weight during their student years, which can be very difficult to shift.

To avoid having to go through the pain of trying to lose the weight gained during an unhealthy student lifestyle, why not make a commitment to living healthily during your student years? By incorporating some of the principles of a Raw food diet, you can not only eat economically and prepare healthy foods quickly, but you will also have abundant energy which is bound to have a positive effect on your grades. A healthy, well nourished body will also be able to withstand the rigours of student life much more effectively, so you will still be able to “burn the candle at both ends” whilst feeling the effects far less!

Here are some top tips to living healthily as a student:

Tip # 1

Make eating healthily fast and hassle free. As a student, you have a busy life, and most often need to grab food on the go. Set aside one afternoon a week to prepare healthy food for the week ahead. For example, chop and freeze bananas that can be thrown in smoothies later in the week. Prepare a batch of healthy salad dressing that can be tossed over salads throughout the week. Mix together nuts, seeds and cacao nibs to that you can grab a handful of whenever you need some energy.

2. Tip #2

Make healthy eating the economical choice There is a popular misconception that eating healthily is expensive. But if you add up the cost of take-outs, ready meals and other convenience foods you will see that eating healthy can actually be much more friendly on your wallet. Buy healthy ingredients in bulk whenever possible to save both money and time. Do some research to find out which stores offer discounts to students, and use price comparison sites to find the best weekly deals. Ordering your weekly groceries online can also prevent you impulse buying and making unhealthy choices. Write out a list and stick to it.

Healthy living for students does not have to be difficult, time consuming or expensive. With a little forward planning and organization, you can eat both healthily and cheaply as a student, by incorporating some of the principles of a Raw food diet.

[Ed. Note: Yuri Elkaim is one of the North America’s leading fitness, nutrition, and conditioning experts. For the best workouts that will strengthen your abs and core without compromising your low back, be sure to check out his Amazing Abs Solution.]