Happiness Can Be Found In the Most Unlikely Circumstances & You Don’t Have to Look Very Far Either

Image by: Unsplash
By Alvin Martin

Sometimes, unpleasant things need to happen for good things to unfold. While I was dealing with the loss of my grandfather, my girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me and left me for another man. Two weeks later, I got laid off from work. Man, I was totally broken from the inside out. There was sadness, anger and pain all over my life. I felt like everything was taken away from me.

Sometimes, we need to hit rock bottom to find true happiness

Since I had nothing much to do, I just kept myself busy online. A friend of mine showed me a dating site and there I spent most of my time. Suddenly, better things began to happen. I met this very interesting woman online, who never fails to make me laugh. Eventually I found a new job and I even started going to the gym. I became a healthier and a happier version of me.

It is ironic how unlikely things happen all the time

It is amazing how we can find happiness in the most unexpected circumstances and with the most unimaginable people. When I first met my now best friend I saw him as the most annoying person in the world, but after really getting to know the guy I look at him like a brother.

It’s like this crazy story of a 15-year-old friendship between a lion, a tiger and a bear. This trio were rescued from an excruciating condition in Atlanta way back 2001. Now cohabitating peacefully at Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter in Georgia, Baloo the bear, Leo the lion and Shere Khan the tiger developed a bond and became a family under the worst and best circumstances.

True friends don’t care where you come from or how you look. Instead, they have your best interest at heart and they know that to love you is to let you be what you really are.

And in case you haven’t found the true meaning of friendship yet, it is never too late to start searching with the help of this new secret-sharing app.

In “Guys Talk About the Struggles of Dating,” writer Ian Stobber introduces Whisper, a new online community wherein members or “users” are allowed to send messages, share real thoughts, make confessions and trade advice anonymously. So for all you guys out there who are having challenges venting your feelings, this app will help you look for people who have similar situations and stories you can relate to.

Nobody can predict the future

The lesson here is to always be open to possibilities. Out of all the billions of people on this planet, what are the odds that the woman I met online, who was living 12,000 miles away from me, would become my wife? There’s a very slim chance, right? But, it did happen! We have been happily married now for almost 3 years and counting.

What I’m trying to say is that nothing is really impossible anymore. Year after year modern technology provides the perfect example of how the impossible is constantly being achieved. Just take a look at these first waterproof, smart earphones.

When it comes to music, these are an ultimate game-changer. They come with an embedded 4GB music player, noise cancelling capabilities, fitness tracker functions for measuring distance, heart rate, speed and calories burned, and a built-in accelerometer that can tell you the weather forecast or help you answer a call through your gestures. Cool, huh?

Surprising things and improbable occurrences, good or bad, happen all the time. There may not be a pattern, but it doesn’t mean we can never prepare for it.

It may sound crazy but we can actually input “unlikely survival knowledge” into our brain for these unlikely situations in order for us to minimize the risks and prevent unpleasant things from happening.

For instance, in the business aspect, it is important to always keep ourselves updated with the latest trend in promotional campaigns. Well, there are many people out there who call themselves experts without really being aware of basic marketing principles. You don’t want to be one of them, right?

Samuel Scott’s recent blog post presents comprehensive information about the different types of major publicity strategies. He also discusses when and how to effectively build them and measure the results. This article is great especially for those who do not have a formal education on Public Relations but are involved in marketing.

Having the right knowledge lessens our tendency of leaving things to chance.

Essentially, with the right mindset and an optimistic view, we can find happiness everywhere. It could come in many forms or it could be as simple as being grateful for being with the ones we love, for having food to eat or for just waking up this morning to start a new day.