Guest Blog Your Way To Success

Image by: Stephen Cummings
By Gordon J. Pruitt

Bloggers have one key asset: their words. Original blog entries are powerful communication tools that can lead many a thirsty horse to water. Besides sharing information and opinions with the world, blogs can also be a mighty marketing tool that brings new traffic to you blog or site.

But you’ve written many blogs for your own site and are starting to see results, now what? How about taking it up a notch – BAM!

Write a guest blog for another site and tap into new avenues of traffic and attention.

Guest blogging is the art of getting your content onto other people’s sites or blogs, giving you free exposure to their visitors and social networks, all the while gaining your site more followers, visitors and an increase you overall Googleness.

Those who master the art of the guest blog and are dedicated enough to see it through enjoy plus-sized revenue checks from the likes of AdWords and the many alternatives. Those who don’t guest blog are missing out on hundreds if not thousands in potential ad dollars.

Don’t miss out!

Be Our Guest

First, find a blog or site that would be a good fit for what you are planning to write. It is probably a good idea to stick with blogs that have guest bloggers on them already. Being the first guest blogger to convince a site owner to host your content will take a considerable amount of time.

Now it is time for your approach. This is where your communication skills are put to the test. You must come at the blog owner as a fan. Yes, that means you need to read a good sampling of entries (something you should have done when conducting your search).

Your introductory email should spell out how much you enjoy their work. Then go into the theme or topic of the guest blog you want to write, spelling out how the information will benefit the site’s readers.

Finish off your approach with some technical data. Include stats from your own blog as well as some info about yourself; how long you have been blogging, career, expertise, etc.

Good luck.