For 10 Years This Man Has Been Shopping For the Less Fortunate On His Own Dime

By Jack Day

Don Hanlon is one helluva guy.  Once a month he takes people who are victims of domestic violence or homelessness to Sam’s Club and spends $300 of his monthly Social Security check on vital items they need.  They walk through the doors and Don says, “What do you need?”

I have to imagine that living on Social Security means Don is on a tight budget, but somehow he has managed to live without that $300 extra dollars for the last 10 years!  I guess the satisfaction he gets from helping people is worth much more than the money, as I am sure the people he helps feel the same way.

Have you ever been the humbled recipient of good fortune when things are gloomy?  Or have you been the nameless angel that made a difference in someone else’s life?  Please share your comments on Don’s actions and tell us any other stories or experiences!