Article Writing Tips – So You Think You Cannot Write?

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Image by: tonyhall
By Fabian Tan

Are you planning to get started article marketing and working from home? But you don’t know how to write? Or you think you cannot write? Well, many people tell me they cannot write articles. I always reply ‘learn it’. Everything we do is a learned skill. Unless we actively take the effort to learn it, we will never become proficient at anything.

Well, the truth is, if you want to make a living online, you need to have some skill in writing. As a marketer, you need to learn how to write articles, press releases, ad copy etc. If you don’t have a decent command of English, it is very hard to succeed online. So if you are not good in the English language, I recommend getting good at it fast.

What can you do to get good at writing articles? Well, do you write emails? I’m sure you do. An article is just like a long email, if you think about it. You are communicating your message to someone. You can also read books, newspapers and of course, articles to understand how to write well. You don’t necessarily have to understand the technicalities of article writing. As long as you understand the flow of articles, you can get into the groove of writing.

When you start writing articles, use a system to guide you on the way. A very simple system is to separate your article into four parts – the title, the introduction, the body and the summary. If you study any good article, they all contain these four basic elements. Just follow this formula and you will be fine.

Start writing articles on a regular basis. And you don’t have to be perfect, just get your articles done!

(Ed. Note: With the right tools, an online business can quickly become very profitable. Discover 7 sure-fire methods of making up to $20,000 per month online in just 30 minutes a day with Fabian Tan’s Maximum Money Blueprints.)


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