Are you healthy or afraid to find out?

John Barban

I’ve just returned from having my blood taken for my yearly checkup thingy. Blood pressure and heart rate are in a good position and in a ‘fit’ category.

There’s no reason to worry.

Next is to see what the blood work looks like. Everything last year looked good so we’ll see what things look like this year.

While I was at the clinic I was chatting with the nurse and we ended up talking about people who don’t go for a physical because they simply don’t want to know if there is anything wrong or outside of the normal range.

You need to get checked out!

This is troubling because the first step to getting your health in order is to know where you are right now. If something is out of whack I want to know about it so I can take the necessary steps to correct it…or at the very least do as much as I can in my power to get it as close to normal or optimal as possible before turning to medicine or any other kind of procedure.

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Burying your head in the sand is the worst thing to do. Knowledge is power and the more you know about your body and your current condition the better you can decide how to proceed with your diet and fitness lifestyle.

Having your blood work done isn’t the be all and end all of everything related to your fitness and health, but it’s a vital chunk of information that you should be aware of. This is one area of health research that is a good predictor of certain health risk such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some related morbidities.

Health isn’t a destination…

As I’ve stated in the past and will repeat here, I think there is a shape to health, and the closer you get to your ideal Adonis Index raito (for men) and Venus Index ratios (for women) the more likely your health measures will all be in good standing.

I say this because the type of life you need to live to get to AI or VI is also a life that requires some effort in the gym and some *some* discipline with your diet.

Add these things together with an eye to these specific body shapes and the picture starts to take form that ‘health’ isn’t a destination but rather it’s a process.

Your personal definition of health and how much you value it will determine how much or little info you want to learn about your body and how much action you will or won’t take.

The choice is always yours.

[Ed. Note: John Barban is a former Strength & Conditioning coach and author of the Adonis Index workout for men, the Venus Index Workout or women, and the Anything Goes Diet weight loss program. He has also spent 10 years developing and consulting in the sports supplement industry bringing dozens of muscle building a fat loss supplements to market. With the Adonis Index, John has enabled men to generate instant attraction from women by obtaining the perfect body measurements. To learn more about the Adonis Effect click here now.]