5 Ways To Keep Employees Happy

Image by: Victor 1558
By Michael Sterling

As an employer in this day and age, workers are often left a bit distraught when it comes to their lives at work that they often feel unsupported by their boss. We all know that in this economic times, we can’t afford to lose good employees – which is why we need to put their needs as high as our clients.

Running an office doesn’t mean you need to be a dictator. Being an effective leader has nothing to do with how loud, how micro-managing or how strict you can be. Our workers are the very thing that makes our productivity blossom – treat them like family and they will deliver the very best their talents have to offer.

It’s not a smart idea to assume that you know how to lead. Sometimes, when we’ve read these books on how to be a great manager, we think we know it all. Getting your employees to be content with their job is all about making it less about work, and more about community.

#1) Change Up The Tasks

It’s a great idea from time to time to re-assign each of your employees tasks, just to keep things from getting boring. The last thing you want is for their work to become so repetative that they melt into a routine. With an excessive routine comes an incredible lack of motivation. When they feel like they’re needed, they will feel more content.

If you’re heading a big company with multiple department managers, think of how you can create a rotating system within the management in regards to certain projects. Not only will it create more interesting work days, but it can also educate each department on what the other is doing – making a better understand of the machine that is your company.

#2) Advocate Team Building

By doing more team building events, you can stimulate the idea that everyone is “in it” together. It allows them to build a sense of community and makes them know their coworkers on a deeper level. Office drama should never be an issue. Group outings, company trips and happy hour nights are a great way towards this interaction.

Here’s a tip: don’t wait for Holiday parties to get to know your employees. Why not host a party in the office yourself? What I like to do is host a monthly party for all the employees who’s birthday is in that month – with free food and desserts. Not only does it give everyone a chance to catch up, but it gives them something to look forward to.

#3) Make Sure They Know What Their Job Is

According to Gallop CEO Jim Clifton, 60% of employees that the Gallop Polls have studied do not clearly know what’s expected from them at work. An employee who doesn’t understand their job or a certain project is bound to get anxious and frustrated, which will lead to resentment over time.

A lot of this has to do with your managers, but also you as an owner. Oversee the management strategies and make sure that they are being articulate with the staff. Watch how the staff reacts. Do they role their eyes? Do the give sharp sighs? These are signs of frustration. Take control of it. Don’t let it escalate into something that will be contagious within the office.

#4) Support ThemĀ 

If someone is going through troubles or has deeply rooted concerns with coworkers or a certain project, be sure you take care of it! Even if you know 100% that they are wrong or they are very confused, you don’t want them to feel like they aren’t being heard. Nothing makes someone hate their job more than having a boss that doesn’t listen.

#5) Life Is More Important Than Work

I know this idea seems naive, especially if you are trying to grow your company. We all want work to be the top priority. But the thing is, an employee’s well-being is important to their own productivity.

Plus, you need to understand that employees TALK! You don’t want to be the A-hole boss that didn’t let en employee go see their niece’s graduation because she had to finish up a project. Trust me, all of these things will eventually come back to get you. The best thing you can do to maintain morale is to at least “seem” like work is under life in the office.

You are the face of their job – the representative of their experience – keep up a good image.