5 Ways To Grow Your Business Through Podcasting

Image by: Alan Levine
By Michael Sterling

With the explosion of smart phones and iPods, the need for podcasting has evolved from something questionable to something profitable. Since it is so easily downloadable from company websites or iTunes, it makes it that much more enticing to the new technological generation who is, after all, the future market.

Since business is all about looking ahead and not staying stuck in present-day fads, it’s time that business owners investigate the need for podcasting. Not only will it create a more well-rounded relationship with your customers, but it will develop a a wider satisfaction value for any market you are trying to break through.

The charm about podcasts is that they are specific. They hit issues, viewpoints, targets and topics that are personal to the listeners or viewers. Because of this, you will allow yourself to be more articulate when pitching your ideas.

#1) Give Them What They Want To Hear

Depending on what your company sells or advises, there is always something that the listener is trying to take away. Don’t offer generic fluff that they can get anywhere – this is the whole reason why they’re tuning in in the first place, to listen to something original and unique. Dissect their interest and hit the niche they need.

Here’s an idea: once a week, invite two to three experts from different related fiends to have a recorded panel discussion. Make five to six topics or points that you want to hit, then have a two hour discussion about them. Once it’s finished, you can edit and cut according to each topic/point that was met.

With the finished cuts, you now have five to six unique podcasts you can share with an audience, and are likely to please more listeners.

#2) Make Yourself Memorable

By making it an enjoyable experience and creating a homely environment within that meets the customer’s likes, you will make listeners want to hear more about what you have to say. A great podcast is a collaborative effort – and I’m not just talking about with people, but the technology you use can be hit or miss with listeners as well.

Jeff Bullas points out in his blog that Patt Flynn, operator of the blog “Smart Passive Income” has three steps in creating a great podcast: Discoverability, Stickability, and Shareability. Most of these happen by sheer technology tricks. Microphones, sound effects and sound waves can welcome a listener in to the conversation, but can turn them off just as easily.

A slight tech problem can turn someone off. Let’s face it. People are picky these days – but at the same time, if you are delivering crappy sounding podcasts, it can serve as a representation of how you run your business.

#3) Introduce Your Expertise To The World

Since podcasts are so easy to download and require very minimal spending on your part, you can throw all those concerns out the door to focus on your own talents. People who download podcasts limit their search to a certain specificity that you should provide them.

Whether the podcast delivers advice, a message, breaking news, concerns or entertainment, the listeners or viewers are able to personalize with it. Don’t let them down. Think of it as a way to show off your education on each topic and give insight as to why you do what you do.

#4) Create Your Signature

Here’s an idea: create a jingle, think of catchphrase or find a “thing” that listeners can relate you to. This will allow your podcast to have a wider word of mouth marketing strategy that will help you in the long run. These qualities make people feel more connected to you and your business.

#5) Be Innovative

Think about it. You know exactly what your customers want – you speak to them every day. You know their concerns, their issues and more so, you know how to fix them. Think of it as an opportunity to share the ideas that you have always wanted to express. This is how you can have your voice heard. 

Podcasts can be a great way to show your potential. Think outside the box when it comes to delivering your messages and don’t filter them. The concerns you have are more than likely to be the same ones your audience has.