5 Qualities Every Effective Leader Must Have

Image by: Canada 2020
By Michael Sterling

As a leader, it’s important to be a significant example for the people around you. An effective CEO knows it takes more than just a great idea to grow your business. Leadership is the heart and soul of any business. Not only does it build the talents of your team, but it also directly effects your life in the marketplace.

#1) Time Management

“The question I ask myself almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’… Unless I feel like I’m working on the most important problem that I can help with, then I’m not going to feel good about how I’m spending my time. And that’s what this company is.” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook

A successful leader knows that being able to manage your time is a reflection on how productive the business will eventually be. But one of the things most people fail to understand is that time management is more than just getting things done, it’s getting the most out your time worked.

An effective leader ought to know which task, job, or project takes precedence over the other. The idea is to climb the ladder towards ultimate success. Instead of focusing on getting as much stuff done in a given day, redirect it towards things that are of value.

Ask yourself questions, like “Can this wait till tomorrow?” or “Will this ease my worry if I get this done now?” or “If I get this done first, will the rest of my day be easier for it?”

#2) Open Mindedness 

“You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need framework and a dream.” – Michael Dell, CEO of DELL

Many times, business leaders try desperately to stick by their business strategy, which is usually shaped by what society views as “realistic,” instead of making their own path. While this may be logical, it filters away breakthrough ideas. Never get too comfortable with your strategy. In doing so, you may be creating a blind eye to new discoveries.

Michael Dell started his business with three guys and a collection of screwdrivers. It wasn’t until he realized, in 1996, by selling his computers over the Web, he can reach a bigger market. Selling online was never a part of his business strategy, but he moved forward with it anyway. That same year, Dell Inc. was reporting $1 million in sales per day.

#3) A Joy In Reinvention 

“Without passion, you don’t have any energy, and without energy, you simply have nothing” – Donald Trump, CEO of the Trump Organization

Repetitive ethics are always going to create a lack of enthusiasm, which ultimately affects your team’s morale. When you have passion, not only do you have energy, but you have a seed to rediscover new things because you’re searching for them, not because it’s part of your “job.” Take time to rediscover the joy, and always allow opportunities to reinvent yourself. It may birth new ventures.

If there’s one person who knows how to get back on the horse, it’s The Trump. The man loves what he does. A quality like this is built on one’s failures and successes – and Trump has had many. Through bankruptcies and failed business deals during economic turbulence, he managed to reinvent himself time and time again.

#4) Eagerness To Match Your Image

“High expectations are the key to absolutely everything.” – Sam Walton, CEO of Walmart

Having an image to uphold ultimately gives a leader more drive. When someone holds your work ethic and end results with high expectancy, there’s a likely effort to match it, which births productivity. This can be translated into the work environment as well. If everyone on the team feels like they’re part of a “bigger picture,” they will feel like it’s their duty to deliver high quality performance.

When Wal-Mart opened in 1962 as a “one stop shop” store, it was a revolutionary step towards the future. Eventually, consumers began to expect higher quality with a lower price, and Walton wasn’t one to disappoint. The effort his team made to please turned Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club into the biggest shopping outlet companies in America.

#5) Originality

“We are really competing against ourselves, we have no control over how other people perform.” – Pete Cashmore, CEO of Mashable

No matter how the market is, a strong leader knows that focusing their attention on other company’s strategies will take away from what makes them unique. We see it all the time: one company breaks into the mainstream, and before you know it, there are hundreds of copycats.

Don’t overestimate your consumers. When there’s too many options of the same thing, they’re almost always going to go with the one who came first. Keep this in mind when you’re making decisions. The best way to catch someone’s attention is to grab it with originality. Don’t be scared to be different.