5 Cities With Steady Job Growth You Should Know About

Image by: TPSDave
By: George Lamb

So you’re stuck in your hometown unemployed, broke and living in your parent’s basement? Trust me, pal, I’ve certainly been there before. It isn’t a very pleasant feeling having no control over your life and being dependent on your mom for financial support. Women laugh, people look down on you, and your confidence is at an all time low. Just the thought brings back painful memories…

Fortunately for you, though, it’s not too late, all you have to do is a little research and take a momentous leap forward. If you aren’t able to find a job in one area, move to another.

I know, it’s easier said than done, but everything starts with an idea. If you have your degree in Communications and can’t find a broadcasting job in Santa Monica, then do your research and see if perhaps you can thrive in Boston.

Do you know why you will never find a fish in a tree or a pig underwater? It’s because they go where they are useful; they adapt to an environment that they can flourish in. And if you are struggling to adapt in one place then you may want to try your luck elsewhere.

#1) Austin

All you geeks out there listen and listen good: Technology security firm websence recently unveiled plans to relocate its corporate headquarters from San Diego to Austin, thus creating nearly 500 job positions available to those who qualify.

You know what that means right? It means you should consider doing your homework about the lone star state, because it may have a career for you in the tech field. According to CEO John McCormach in a news announcement, “The city is quickly becoming a technology hub with an invigorating quality of life and multi-tiered workforce that fits well into our future plans.”

#2) Naples

Naples is of the wealthiest cities in the United States, containing the second highest porportion of millionaires per capita in the U.S. With a city this rich, you know Naples has got multitudinous financial opportunities. The stats don’t lie, unemployment peaked in this city at 12.2% in January 2010, and in 2013 it was shown to have healed over to 5.4% Quite the drastic change, huh?

Naples is expected to have the fastest job growth rate among the 200 largest metro areas in Florida with an annual rate of 4.1% through 2016, according to Moody’s Analytics.

Florida added retail jobs at the fastest rate of any state in 2013 and Naples was the top market in Florida and is expected retail sales to continue their momentum well into 2014. So if you’ve got your degree in business management, you might want to consider running the show in Naples.

#3) Kansas City

 Before working on this post, I didn’t know much about Kansas City, hell, I couldn’t have even told you what state it was in, but after doing a little a digging, I found that it is certainly a viable option as a place to consider relocating to if you’re having trouble finding work in your hometown.

The reason? Well, because local growth will “finally translate into significant job growth,” said an apparently very important man by the name of Frank Lenk, director of research services at the Mid-America Regional Council.

By his calculation, that means close to 20,000 new jobs in the area next year. “That will be the most jobs we’ve added since 2007,” Lenk continued, ensuring to an audience of business readers that Kansas City’s economy is on the rise.

And if the director of research says it, that means it has to be correct. At least I hope so, or else I can imagine throngs of unemployed civilians chasing this guy around the streets of KC with torches and pitchforks.

#4) San Diego

San Diego is the eighth largest city in the United states and the second largest in California–and on top of that its also one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. You know what that means, right? Jobs! Lots and lots of jobs (Construction in particular, the city adding nearly 65,000 workers in the past year alone)!

And not only is it a rapidly growing city, but it is also beautiful, known for its mild year round climate and extensive beaches it has to be on the list of top 5 cities to consider when searching for job opportunities.

#5) Cincinnati

Typically, the first thing I think about when I here about Cincinnati is the Bengals. I know they’re currently undefeated in the 2014 football season, but football isnt the only thing going for them, as this city has been seeing the amount of local jobs grow enormously from the sullen and slow growth period of a few years ago.

Jobs have grown by approxamately 1.7 percent over the past year, with about 17,500 more jobs here than a year ago. And unemployment has improved from 6.6 percent a year go.

Most of these jobs consist of either Transportation, which opened 4,300 jobs since a year ago; Education and health, which added over 4,000 jobs; Construction, which plussed 2,000; and manufacturing, which contributed to 2,400 more jobs! Crazy numbers right? Even i’m tempted to purchase an Andy Dalton Jersy and join the Cincinatti ban wagon.

Already made the big move that improved the quality of your life tenfold? Don’t be selfish. Share the steps you took to achieve your economic goals!