4 Interesting Questions About Prostate Cancer – Answered!

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Image by: Public Domain Pictures
By Robert Spencer

Prostate cancer is a tragic and debilitating disease which may kill you if you don’t catch it within the first few years. The earlier you and your doctor detect prostate cancer, the better chances you have of survival. And even then, it may make your sex life difficult (of course, these days there are medications which can help with that).

Recovery can take anywhere from 4 months to 2 years (maybe even longer) and there’s not even any guarantee that your surgeon may be able to spare the nerves which help trigger erections.

Despite the importance of keeping yourself informed, there are still myths that surround this disease. Here are some of the most common questions asked about the disease answered with some of the latest research done on the topic this year.

#1) The Latest Studies Coorelate It With an STD?

WebMD recently published an article that stated that scientists at the University of California have conducted a study which found that,

”Prostate cancer might be a sexually transmitted disease caused by a common infection…”

Apparently these scientists have found a link (or evidence of one) between trichomoniasis (an STD) and prostate cancer. It is a common parasite (275 million people worldwide are said to be infected with it) which is passed on during unprotected sex. In the lab, this parasite made a protein which is known to trigger inflammation, which could lead to cancer.

When a health information officer at Cancer Research UK commented on it, she stated that while it could encourage prostate cancer (especially if the man were to have the early signs of prostate cancer already), there isn’t a clear link between the parasite and the onset of cancer.

She continued to say that there aren’t any lifestyle factors that may affect the risk of developing prostate cancer. So is there a way to prevent prostate cancer?

#2) Prostate Cancer Prevention?

While the woman at the Cancer Research UK center said that she found no preventative causes for prostate cancer, some studies done on the East coast of the US (mainly New Jersey) have noted some findings which suggest a couple of preventative measures.

However, three other new studies stated that a diet that is rich in complex carbohydrates, and low in protein and fat is associated with “a 60 percent to 70 percent reduced risk of prostate cancer.” This was said by a woman named Adriana Vidal who was a co-author of two of the studies. She also added that a fiber-filled diet reduces your risk as well.

In addition to that, the studies suggest that if you are already showing signs of prostate cancer, you should avoid drinking a lot of milk and you may have more of a chance of getting an aggressive form of prostate cancer if you already have two or more health problems which have to do with your metabolic syndrome.

#3) What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Unfortunately, there aren’t really any warning signs for the early stages of prostate cancer. However, once a tumor has started to cause the prostate gland to swell, you may notice one or more of these symptoms:

The constant need to go to the bathroom (especially after you go to bed)

Difficulty starting and stopping a stream of urine

A painful burning sensation when you urinate

Inability to urinate while standing

Blood in semen or urine

Leaking of urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze

Weak stream

While these symptoms don’t necessarily mean that you have cancer, they are signs that you should go get checked by your doctor. Take note of these symptoms and how often they happen and pay your doctor a visit.

If you have any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign of advanced prostate cancer and you should immediately call a doctor:

Dull pain or stiffness anywhere from your pelvis up to your ribs, especially in the bones around those areas

Swelling in your legs, feet, or toes,

Sudden weight loss with sudden weight loss, followed with fatigue and nausea

Weakness in your lower limbs combined with constipation

#4) Isn’t it Only an “Old Man Disease”?

Yes, prostate cancer is rare for men who are under the age of 40 but it does happen. If you are concerned, there is no shame in calling your doctor to check out your symptoms. If you have any of the symptoms above, it could be from other treatable diseases anyway.