4 Great Apps For Stock Market Junkies

Image by: yto
By Steven Morrison II

When they are away from their desks, stock market watchers want the same intense information and analysis at their fingertips that they enjoy at their command center. While that’s a pretty tall order, several apps have risen to the occasion and deliver on the promise of mobile media devices.

These apps are quite rich in features and usability, all getting high marks from reviewers.


To some, the basic Google Finance and Yahoo! Finance apps – while both quality apps – are just window dressing, more for dabblers than pros. You want a robust app that serves up analysis in addition to the standard stock prices. Introducing StockWatcher – one of the best indie productions on the app market. And it features that world famous Yahoo! Finance info, too. Twitter? Check. RSS? Check. ROI, RSI and MFI? Check.

Key upgrades include the ability to manage more than one portfolio, auto cloud storage and support for worldwide markets and indices. This free app is only available for Android devices.

Market Dash From Yahoo! Finance

Available only for the iPad and building on the reputation that Yahoo! Finance earned, Market Dash From Yahoo! Finance is a solid performer. This free app comes at you strong with a myriad of ways to manage your portfolio and eyeball those stocks you are keeping close tabs on. Of course there’s also news, real-time quotes, plus all kinds of statistical info about those stocks you were thinking about pulling the trigger on.

Bloomberg Anywhere

If you are a Bloomberg Professional subscriber and have an Android device, then you should definitely get hip to the Bloomberg Anywhere app, which will give you all of that superb access you now enjoy at your desk, on your phone or tablet. Bloomberg Professional is a serious investment, so this app is not for everyone.

Personal Finance

Bishinews is not a big player in the mass-media market, but their Personal Finance app stacks right up there with the best of them. Available for the Android platform, Personal Finance can act as that all-important hub when it comes to mobile devices. Features include: real-time stock prices, stats and charts, currency converter, news, Twitter and commodities futures.









iTrade Stock Market Simulator

Great for: Imaginary traders and investors

Price: Free

Available for: iPhone

Want to dabble in the markets without losing your shirt? Make it a game. Literally. With iTrade, you deploy your $100,000 in seed money to buy and sell using real-time quotes, with realistic delays for trade executions. Your reward is not a rich retirement — it’s a high score against your fellow virtual traders.


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