3 Amazing Fruits For A Better Life

Image by: mwri
By Kurt Garrity

Feeling a little low down? Looking for a way to give your body that extra boost? Try one of these amazing fruits on for size. Besides being colorful and delicious, the three fruits below are packed with many of the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs to function, heal and live longer lives.

Some might even call them magic. And who doesn’t want to feel better and live forever?

So head on over to the farmer’s market or grocery store and grab yourself a basket full of nature’s finest. And, please, remember to wash the stuff before you start eating it.


You can clean your whole house with products that have a lemon scent. There are lemons in your iced tea and in your lemonade. You can snack on lemon-flavored candy. Lemon is the name of one of the lead characters on the TV show 30 Rock. That car you are driving is a lemon.

With such a high profile, lemons certainly aren’t sneaking up on anyone – but please don’t ignore them either. They are amazing, for sure, packed with vitamin C and sour as all get out. Pucker up: By consuming an entire lemon’s juice content each day, you will ward off throat problems, help your skin and improve digestion.


The blackcurrant just might be the king of the fruits these days. First of all, the blackcurrant’s vitamin C count is more than 300% of the daily value. Wow. From there, the blackcurrant is just showboating, boasting healthy amounts of essentials such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin B5.

There are even studies that show blackcurrant is an effective food source to help prevent neurological problems, cancer development and heart disease. Truly amazing stuff here.

Never heard of blackcurrant? Not surprising – for many years, growing blackcurrant in the U.S. was illegal (the plants carried diseases that were harmful to other crops). But now the band is lifted in most places and the currant is making a comeback of sorts. Justice prevails.


Similar to the blackcurrant, Raspberries are loaded with vitamins and minerals essential to good health (calcium, vitamin B2, selenium, iron). But they are so much more than just a strange fruit – they come correct with an antioxidant called ellagic acid, which is has shown to shrink the risk of diabetes, help the brain significantly, fight off cancer and deliver needed doses of antibiotics.

And since raspberries are the only place to get ellagic acid, you really have no choice but to eat them.

While commonly known to only come in the color red, black and purple varieties of raspberries have been making the rounds, though somewhat rarer than their red cousin. The black raspberry is known to have a much richer flavor than old red.

What is your favorite fruit? Tell us in the comments below.