10 Reasons Why Every Simple Solution Doesn’t Make You a Genius

By Richard K. Noots

Alright guys. This Do-It-Yourself craze has gone too far. I know, I was excited when I learned bananas should be opened from the bottom too. But … This is getting ridiculous. I mean, most of these DIY ideas coming out now aren’t even necessary! What? You don’t believe me? OK, hotshot. Take a look for yourself and tell me what you think. If you think these creations below are genius, you might want to get your head checked. 

Beer Shower

Beer SHower
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

OK … Now this one is just wasteful.
Two cups
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

What? Just use your hands!
Selfmade stand
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

How many laps can YOU do?
Pool Party
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

Watch yourself get pulled over ten seconds later.
Not legal
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

Hipster smartphone.
Hipster Smartphone
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

No. I’m sorry. You’ll have to fix that door eventually.
Door Handle
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

How on Earth did you lose a couch cushion?!
Couch cushion
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

Admittedly, this one is actually pretty cool.
Cart grill
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

And … We’re back to the crap ideas.
Image by: By Rantlifestyle

So, what do you think? There’s plenty of other terrible ideas out there, but you let us know which are your favorites. It’s OK, we can laugh about it together …